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Project: “Together we can do more. Iceland - a source of inspiration for the agricultural and veterinary school in Podkarpacie "assumes the implementation of a 4-day study visit to Iceland. The applicant organization is ZSCKR in Rzemień and the hosting organization is the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Office. The aim of the study visit is to improve the competences of the management and teaching staff of our school, establish long-term cooperation between institutions, exchange good practices and develop a joint action plan based on the experience gained in the veterinary industry and, in the future, expand to agri-nutrition. The priority of the visit is the organization of professional mobility of both staff and students in Iceland and Poland, which will contribute to increasing professional competences, enriching the educational offer and strengthening the prestige of the school. The participants of the visit (4 people) are management staff and teachers specializing in vocational and economic subjects and the industry language. They all have extensive experience in the field of: applying and coordinating EU projects, raising funds for the organization of exchanges and vocational mobility, organizing internships and internships abroad, implementing tools and principles in the field of lifelong learning, promoting a dual education system, accounting for funds obtained from projects and subsidies, career counseling. As part of the project activities, a visit will be prepared, participants will be trained in vocational language, they will prepare a presentation about the profiles and activities of ZSCKR in Rzemień, pointing to the cooperation of the school with veterinary and agricultural institutions and leading local employers.
Summary of project results
As part of the Study Visit to Iceland, a number of activities directed at improving the competence and skills of staff were implemented. Participants visited the Icelandic Universities of Agriculture in Holar and Hvanneyri, got acquainted with the structure and functioning of agricultural schools, took part in trainings, lectures and field activities organized by the host organization -Iceland''s Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) in cooperation with the universities. Project activities included: organic animal husbandry and breeding (sheep, cows, horses, salmon), the functioning of the veterinary service, methods and regulations to help prevent diseases and epidemics among livestock. They were also introduced to methods of growing vegetables - greenhouse system - organic, hydroponic cultivation with the use of geothermal energy. A visit to a greenhouse with tomato production combined with a lecture was a confirmation of the methods used in such difficult climatic conditions. All activities planned in the project were carried out. The visit was rich in the exchange of experiences and good practices. As part of the professional development goals of the participants, all the established training courses related to veterinary knowledge on animal health and welfare, prevention of diseases and epidemics, supplementation of medicated feed, compliance with regulations on the protection, identification, registration and movement of animals, compliance with veterinary requirements, breeding of Icelandic horses and their use in hippotherapy were attended, in addition, training courses were organized on fish, sheep and cattle breeding and greenhouse farming. Management staff and participants also became acquainted with the possibilities of organizing training courses for teachers and internships and student exchanges, as well as with the curricula and competencies required in the Icelandic labor market.
Summary of bilateral results
The institutions tentatively discussed the principles of cooperation in the future. They also discussed employment opportunities in agriculture especially for veterinarians, who are in demand in the local labor market. Participants in the study visit also developed teaching materials on cattle, sheep, horse breeding and greenhouse vegetable farming in Iceland, which will be used during youth work, conferences and training for teachers and farmers.