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The project "Green School Backpack for Earth Climate" aims to raise civic awareness on environmental protection and human health by providing support to primary school teachers in the area of education for sustainable development. Through teachers and pupils we want to influence parents and local communities.
The main aim is to exchange experience, good practices and knowledge in the field of environmental and health education between selected Polish and Norwegian primary school teachers in order to involve them in education for sustainable development. The exchange will take place during visits of Polish teachers to Norway and visits of Norwegian partners to Polish schools.
A long-term result of the project will be:
(1) establishment of the Centre of Education for Sustainable Development at APS. Experience gained in the project will be used to popularise knowledge and educational activities for the local community through methodological consultancy, courses, trainings for teachers;
(2) the programme of the course for teachers together with educational materials in electronic form (which can be downloaded by interested persons). The results of the project will be used for education of students of pedagogy, teachers and local leaders of education for sustainable development;
(3) a Polish-Norwegian publication presenting the evaluation of projects conducted in Poland and Norway and the teaching programme of education for sustainable development dedicated to teachers in Poland and Norway.
Summary of project results
The competence of the average person in protecting their health and the environment in which we live is insufficient. The climate crisis and the lastest pandemic justify the need for education in this area. Raising the awareness of the youngest pupils about pro-environmental behaviour, as well as the significant issue of shaping in them attitudes conducive to the implementation of sustainable development, has become the pressing need of our time. The project aimed to transform early childhood education by changing the educational competences of teachers, raising the level of quality in the education sector in the area of education for sustainable development.
As part of the results, a two-part publication was prepared containing a theoretical introduction to the issues of sustainable development and the concept of Green education was created, i.e. a pedagogical philosophy showing how to implement the assumptions of sustainable development in primary education. The second part of the publication presents the methodological assumptions of working with children in the field of green education, in particular: health education, animate and inanimate nature, which shows green education in school practice.
As part of the project:
- Organisation of a scientific and practical seminar in Norway.
-Development of a training programme for teachers entitled Green School Backpack.
- Preparation of a two-volume publication on green education, which presents theoretical and practical assumptions on how to organise sustainable development principles in school practice, which was the main objective of the project.
- Carrying out innovative projects in schools implementing the principles of green education. This activity involved more than 200 children.
- Polish-Norwegian meeting, exchange of project experience between Polish and Norwegian teachers.
- Organisation of a Green Education conference disseminating project results.
The materials are available free of charge online for all interested early childhood education teachers, so there are no restrictions on their availability. Early childhood education teachers can therefore easily carry out activities aimed at promoting the idea of green education and education for sustainable development, which will significantly influence the level of understanding of problems related to these issues among students and their parents.
Summary of bilateral results
BENEFITS OF PARTNERSHIPS: - building international contacts,- exchange of experience- possibility of organising study visits,- building new project quality through international cooperation. BILATERAL RESULTS:- the establishment of closer relations between the participating institutions,- establishing scientific cooperation between the Maria Grzegorzewska University and the University of Agder,- exchange of experience between project participants: the Polish and Norwegian sides.CONTINUATION OF COOPERATION:- preparation of joint articles on project implementation,- declaration of the Partner''s willingness to cooperate in Erasmus projects.