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The project allows for increased mobility in higher education between Bialystok University of Technology and Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics from Norway. The project is carried out in the scope of:
a. Student mobility:
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Norway and incoming mobilities of students from the Molde University College for study periods lasting from 3 to 12 months within an academic year.
- Outgoing mobilities of Polish students to Norway and incoming mobilities of students from this Donor Project Partner for work placements from lasting from 2 to 12 months within an academic year.
b. Staff mobility:
- Teaching assignment-based mobilities for academic teachers between Bialystok University of Technology and Molde University College for a period of between one day and six weeks (a minimum of eight hours of teaching at the partner institution must be provided during one week of mobility)
- HEI staff mobility between Poland and Norway for job shadowing, participation in seminars, training, workshops and conferences aimed at improving skills and expanding knowledge in a given field for a period of between one day and six weeks.
Expected results are professional development of staff working in the field of higher education, mobility of students and university staff between Bialystok University of Technology and Molde University College and institutional partnership to improve the quality and relevance of educational offerings in the field of higher education.
Summary of project results
Cooperation between Bialystok University of Technology (BUT) and Scandinavian countries is an area that constantly requires expansion and improvement. The prospect of implementing employee mobility in Norway was a response to the needs of BUT employees defined by BUT International Relations Office. The project involved cooperation with a partner from Norway, Molde University College (MUC), with which there had been previously successful implementation of a project under Component I of Programme Education, titled "Experience-based management - good practices in management". Continuation of cooperation, this time in the area of employee mobility for training or teaching, was focused on a better understanding of the structure and functioning of the Norwegian university, the organization of the education process and the system of evaluation and motivation of research and teaching staff, as well as the exchange of experiences and good practices, in particular in the field of international activities, the internationalization process and the cooperation of universities with the socio-economic environment.
The project assumed the implementation of 2 training mobilities from MUC to PB and 9 mobilities from PB to MUC (4 teaching and 5 training). During the project, the project promoter managed to complete all planned activities and achieve satisfactory results thanks to smooth and effective cooperation with the partner. The profiles of the project participants are diverse: the mobility involved BUT administrative staff, teaching employees of the BUT and MUC, and management staff of the BUT (Vice-Rector for International Cooperation and Vice-Dean for Development and Cooperation of the Faculty of Engineering Management from BUT).
The project resulted in the development of cooperation between partners in other new areas: we''ve signed interinstitutional agreement for Erasmus+ mobilities (students and staff), mutual work on a double diploma agreement in the field of Logistics, enhancement of the cooperation between MUC and the BUT Doctoral School (joint scientific publications by a doctoral student from BUT and MUC employee, study visits of MUC teaching staff to conduct classes at BUT Doctoral School). To sum up, the project has fulfilled its role, and its main long-term effect, reinforcement of the cooperation with the Norwegian university, has been acquired.
Summary of bilateral results
The cooperation between Bialystok University of Technology and Molde University College (MUC) was smooth and trouble-free. The universities communicated on an ongoing basis, discussing in detail the planned activities and issues related to project management, which helped avoid possible misunderstandings at every stage of cooperation. The involvement of the Norwegian partner allowed to achieve the planned results through the full implementation of the planned mobility activities. MUC demonstrated flexibility and great organization in coordinating project activities. In full agreement, preventive measures were taken to minimize emerging risks, promotional and information campaigns were organized and data necessary for the correct and full implementation of the planned activities was exchanged.Thanks to the joint implementation of the project, the universities have learned about each other''s functioning, how individual departments work, and discovered new teaching and research methods. Bialystok University of Technology can draw on good practices used at Molde, which has a very well-developed distance learning system and improvements related to university accessibility. The exchange of experiences from the university''s cooperation with the socio-economic and international environment also enriched both sides of the partnership. The implementation of the project strengthened bilateral relations and resulted in new forms of bilateral cooperation: the Erasmus+ interinstitutional agreement and arrangements for a double diploma agreement for logistics students. In the longer term, joint implementation of research and scientific projects, joint scientific cooperation of PhD students from BUT and MUC, as well as study visits of teaching staff are planned.