Sectoral Policies Enhancing Commitment to Improved Ecosystem Services in Bulgaria (SPECIES)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Balkani Wildlife Society Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 133,447
The project is carried out in:


Policies, strategies and legislation (Black Sea Coast Act, Spatial Planning Act, Biological Diversity Act, Forestry Act, etc.) that are connected to the coastal areas do not integrate nature protection and climate change concerns to the necessary level. Local people have to live with these problems (lower incomes from tourism and fishing, destructive weather events) and often lose their traditional livelihood but their opinion is rarely heard and taken into account. The main objective of the project is: producing a strategic framework for sustainable use of coastal ecosystems and the relevant services/ resources in the Black Sea area. The main project outcome expected is: Integration of biodiversity considerations into sectoral policies and legislation that have impact on the Black Sea coast’ ecosystems in Bulgaria. Outputs ● 1 impact study of degradation and fragmentation of Black Sea coastal ecosystems on tourism, leisure and recreation activities and their relations to climate change adaptation ● 1 list of measures identified for sustainable use of Black Sea coastal ecosystems (including with regard to climate change adaption) ● 1 draft strategy for sustainable use of Black Sea coastal ecosystems and at least one law draft developed ● 1 inventory of stakeholders involved in achieving the project objective and informed about their roles in the implementation of the new strategy and legislation changes proposed Target groups are local communities in the Black Sea Coast region, municipalities in the Black Sea Coast region, SME’s in tourism, Public administration - MoEW and Ministry of Economy, MPs and government members, Local and National environmental NGO’s, Journalists and ecosystem services communicators. Policy transfer from Norway to Bulgaria will be achieved with lessons learnt from the administrative, strategic and legal set-up of biodiversity protection and ecosystem management in Norway.

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project is to create a strategic framework for sustainable use of coastal ecosystems and the services and resources they provide in the Black Sea. SDP "Balkans" is a leading provider of expertise in the conservation of natural habitats and ecosystems and develop policies for environmentally sustainable development and environmental protection. The project partners are the Norwegian Foundation GRID, set up by the Environment Programme of the United Nations (UNEP) with extensive experience in marine and coastal ecosystems and the "BL", a regional leader in the strategic use of information and communication technologies and the Internet for environmental environment, strengthen civil society, democracy and the implementation of European values and policies. The project focuses on the evaluation and development of ecosystem services provided by the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Preserved ecosystems provide very good opportunities for tourism, leisure and recreation. Ecosystem degradation and climate change have a direct impact on them. Extreme weather events in 2014 invaluable inflict damage on the Black Sea, and took lives and open public debate about the adequacy and effectiveness of policies that regulate ecosystem services. Main activities of the project are: 1. Analysis of policies and legislation related to the environment and ecosystem services 2. A study of coastal ecosystems, ecosystem services and climate change: Mapping Ecosystem to two kilometers from shore, assessment of ecosystem services, climate scenarios, scenarios for use of territory, study degradation and fragmentation of innovative social verification of research. 3. Public Involvement and advice 4. Experience exchange with Norway 5. Preparation of a strategy for sustainable use of coastal ecosystems (draft strategy proposals to change the legislation as ZUCHK, BDA, LST, regulations, consultations by Norwegian experts, public discussion of the strategy, the final proposal). 6. Communication and public campaign (website, media appearances, working with journalists, media articles). 7. Advocacy (meetings with MPs, members of Government, local authorities, workshops) 8. Project management. The most important results of the project are drafting a strategy for sustainable use of the Black Sea coastal ecosystems, as well as suggestions for improving planning and legislation on environmental protection, especially biodiversity and climate change.

Summary of bilateral results

During project implementation main bilateral communication was concentrated in finalization of Impact study of degradation and fragmentation of Black Sea coastal ecosystems on tourism, leisure and recreation activities and their relations to climate change adaptation. Interpretaion of results and charst was consulted with Wouter Romens from GRID. Last phase of development of Draft Strategy for sustainable use of Black sea coastal ecosystems was consulted with GRID expert – Jon Benett. Permanent communication with management staff for finalizing the project financial report.