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The project proposal concerns the development of ceramic and ceramic composite combustion chambers for aviation and space technology. Conventional material of nozzles are metallic alloys. The application of ceramic and ceramic composite material has a goal to reduce the mass of the element.
Three types of materials were selected for this purpose, for which fabrication technology will be developed:
- silicon nitride
- silicon nitride reinforced by silicon carbide particles 1-30wt%
- silicon nitride reinforced by carbon fibers 1-30wt%.
The technology for the fabrication method of combustion chambers will be developed based on powder metallurgy techniques. The granulated powders will be compacted isostatically and subsequently sintered in a protective atmosphere under ambient pressure and densified in conditions of high temperature and high pressure using the Hot Isostatic Pressing technique. The materials will be characterized in terms of their thermal and mechanical properties which will allow the design of tests at the dyno. The properties of the prototype nozzles obtained by the designed technology will be validated in the working conditions.
The Project Promoter is one of the few facilities in Poland whose infrastructure enables the fabrication of non-oxide ceramics and as a research institute, it can design the ceramic material dedicated to the application in the role of the rocket nozzle. This undertaking will enhance the competitiveness of the polish aviation industry and in the case of the positive results of the test, the researchers working or cooperating with ESA will benefit from the innovative technology.
The Project Promoter has implemented the Gender Equality Plan for the 2022-2026 time period and the Project is realized accordingly to the introduced rules of GEP. The grant program itself aims to support women working in the field of technical sciences, which still shows some disparity in employment in favour of the number of men.
Summary of project results
The project concerned the development of ceramic and ceramic composites combustion chambers for aviation and space technology. Conventional nozzles are produced from metallic alloys. The application of ceramic materials has a goal to reduce the mass of the element. Silicon nitride was chosen due to high temperature and temperature shock resistance and low specific mass (d[Si3N4]=3,21 g/cm3), which is more than twice smaller then the specific mass of steel alloys. Reducing the weight of the rocket components has a positive effect on increasing the range of the rocket and the possibility of increasing the cargo of the rocket itself.
The researches within the project focused on the design of the fabrication method. The technology for the fabrication method of combustion chambers was developed based on the powder metallurgy. The granulated powders were formed and subsequently sintered in a protective atmosphere under ambient pressure or in conditions of high temperature and high pressure using the Hot Isostatic Press. The obtained materials have been tested in terms of their mechanical and thermal properties. Based on the measurements results, the geometry of the ceramic chambers has been developed. The process of the ceramic chamber fabrication involved following steps:
1. Isostatic densification of the powders in the shape of a tube
2. Machining of the tube to the shape of the ceramic chamber
3. Debinding, in which process the organic additives (i.e. binders, plasticizers) are burned out
4. Sintering in the conditions of elevated pressure using Hot Isostatic Press
The fabricated chambers were transferred for tests at the stand for rocket engine testing. The tests of the obtained combustion chamber from silicon nitride tested in the monopropellant mode were successful. The chamber achieved stable thermal parameters and the temperature reaching 1200 K. The pressure parameters were stabilized, which indicates lack of erosion of the nozzle throat (despite oxidizing atmosphere). The results lead to the statement that the silicon nitride material obtained within the project can be applied in rocket engines.