Project facts

Project promoter:
Sedy medved(SK)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


Statistics show that seniors are growing in Slovakia every year. Low pensions deepen the feeling of their social isolation. The aim of the project is social inclusion and intergenerational cooperation in the field of new media and information and communication technologies. Through workshops, on-line networking and different online application project connects seniors and youth in a unique way. It motivates them to come out of social isolation, it reflects on their need for self-realization. Through the active participation of young people, the project contributes to changing the perception of seniors by the young generation. The applicant has a wide network of cooperating municipalities, schools and other entities at local level. In the period of forced isolation of the elderly, this project is very useful and necessary. The project is a continuation of a successful project implemented in the 2nd call.

Summary of project results

The project focused on social inclusion and intergenerational cooperation, that brought together two target groups - seniors and youth. Thanks to the organized workshops, seniors learned basic skills in the field of new media and information and communication technologies in a playful way, and at the same time gained the desire, will, courage and motivation to share their lifelong passions or experiences with the surrounding world. Through the active participation of young mentors on the basis of volunteering, the project also contributed to improving intergenerational dialogue and changing the perception of seniors about the younger generation. On the other hand, it encouraged youth to engage in civic activity. The partners of the project at the level of local governments welcomed the unique solution of the project and brought suggestions and promises on how to further develop and enrich the project. The active participation of municipalities in all phases of the project guarantees high sustainability of the project and increase quality of interpersonal relations. 802 seniors and 24 municipalities across Slovakia were actively involved in the project.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.