Magic pyjamas

Project facts

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Other Project Partners
Obcianske zdruzenie Rovnovaha(SK)


The Magic Pyjamas project shall contribute to strengthening the access of a vulnerable group of single mothers and Roma women to income. The aim is to strengthen them economically by supporting self-sufficiency and developing social entrepreneurship. The main activity is teaching them to sew. It will take place under an experienced teacher so that the involved woman at the end of the course can sew pyjamas in a professional quality, which can also be intended for sale on the open market. Pyjama overalls made during the project will be provided to children from socially excluded communities from all over Slovakia. The skills acquired by the project participants can continue to be used in the future, also due to the fact that the sewing machines purchased from the project will remain available to the project participants in the local organizations after the end of the project. Partner of the project - association Rovnovaha will provide psychological counselling and social skills training to the participants.

Summary of project results

The Magical Pyjama project came out of the mutual cooperation of the organization Misia mladych and partner of the project - association Rovnovaha. After the pandemic of Covid-19, both organizations encountered a growing number of single mothers (divorced women, young widows) who were left without income. Goal of the project was to motivate these women and learn them a new skill – sewing, that could turn into their future income. Result of the project is the ability to sew a simple product independently - for each of the women. Magical pyjamas helps women on one hand and children, who get pyjamas as a gift, on the other hand. Sewing classes took place under the supervision of a psychologist who created a confidential atmosphere and provided social and psychological training activities and activities focused on building self-esteem and increasing self-confidence. Interesting result came to fruition - initially unmotivated women continued with other forms of education (hairdresser, babysitter course, or continued in an advanced sewing course). These were not the originally planned results, but they are proof of the accepting and motivating approach of the lecturers. Overall – 24 women were involved in the lectures.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.