Development of volunteering II.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Bratislavske dobrovolnicke centrum(SK)
Project Number:
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Volunteering has a direct impact on the formation of people and their values, on increasing their interest for the environment and society in which they live and promotes active citizenship. By volunteering people can gain new knowledge, learn or develop new skills and working habits, it brings benefit to all parties involved. Organizations that need and look for volunteers however do not know how to train them, work with them or motivate them. The aim of the project is therefore to contribute to the services in this area by providing consultations, supervisions and trainings for these organizations. Emphasis will also be placed on involving disadvantaged individuals and groups (seniors, low-income families, Roma, children and youth up to 15 years, homeless people, disabled people, etc.) in the center volunteering programs in order to acquire new skills and experiences important for their future employment and to integrate them into the community. In one of the municipalities in the Bratislava region an information point of the voluntary center will be created, which will increase the level of work with the disadvantaged people in the region. The project is a continuation of a successful project carried out in the 2nd call of the ACF program.

Summary of project results

Through the implementation of the project, we actively promoted volunteering and motivated the general public to get involved. We connected many organizations with those interested in volunteering, educated organizations on how to properly work with volunteers. In the project, we devoted ourselves to several activities, which we also aimed at young people and the disadvantaged. We ran 4 of our own programs, we managed to involve 7 schools with more than 300 pupils as part of the volunteer program Education for Volunteering, and we involved 107 pupils from 6 schools as part of the Children''s Volunteer Day. In the program I am here for you, we cooperate with 7 institutions, where we provided tutoring for a total of 75 children from disadvantaged backgrounds and involved 64 volunteers. We created and organized 18 volunteer opportunities for companies. We implemented the Week of Volunteering with an extensive campaign, we involved 70 organizations in the event, including 6 local government representatives, and a total of 694 volunteers participated. We organized 12 volunteer management trainings, we provided 3 supervisions for coordinators, 4 supervisions for volunteers and 190 consultations regarding volunteer programs. Last but not least, thanks to this project, we publicly thanked, showed recognition and presented awards to exceptional people and organizations who in 2022 demonstrated unique work in the field of helping others through an award at the Heart in the Palm event. From a long-term perspective, the implementation of this project and its smooth continuation have an irreplaceable place in the given region for all parties involved who want to participate in the development of volunteer work, which is so important and necessary for society at the present time.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.