Green infrastructure in Ostrava-Radvanice and Bartovice - phase B

Project facts

Project promoter:
City of Ostrava(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The subject of the project is the construction of green infrastructure with the aim of capturing pollutants in the Radvanice and Bartovice districts. The project consists of seven partial, logically connected localities, which as a whole follow the already implemented projects, and are another step in the field of air quality and residential greenery in the territory of this city district. The subject is the aestheticization of greenery in selected localities in the form of new tree plantations, the establishment of new flower beds, landscaping to capture airborne contaminants. Planting is preceded by remediation interventions on existing greenery, all on the basis of dendrological surveys.
The air in RaB (southeastern part of Ostrava) is considered one of the worst in the Czech Republic, it is related to the accumulation of industrial resources (especially Liberty Ostrava) and local heating. At the same time, the shape of the valley allows the containment of emissions in the locality if there is no wind. Another important factor is emissions from transport. Due to its location, the city district is a very busy transit area (traffic is withdrawn here, especially from Havířov, Karviná, Orlová) with a traffic intensity of up to 70,000 vehicles per day. RaB have long been plagued by high levels of emissions of PM10, PM 2.5 dust particles even in benzo [a] pyrene concentrations, which are several times higher than the legal limits. Such high concentrations often cause serious health complications in the population. The primary target group are residents directly living near the localities that are the subject of the project, the secondary CS are all residents of the RaB MOs, who spend time in the district and whose environment will be positively affected for their lives. 

Summary of project results

Industrial Ostrava has long been among the areas that are struggling with deteriorating air quality and the effects of climate change. The southeastern part of the city, which we focused on in our project, is considered to be one of the most problematic in the Czech Republic in terms of air pollution, as several large industrial sources of emissions are concentrated here and at the same time it is negatively affected by frequent traffic. Up to 70,000 vehicles pass through the town part per day. The measurements show that the emission of dust particles and the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene exceed the legal limits by several times. In addition, concrete industrial premises function as heat islands, in which significant overheating occurs in the summer months. This situation has a negative effect on the health and quality of life of local residents, who face poor air quality and the effects of climate change all year round.

The goal of our project was to build a green infrastructure that will help capture pollutants in the Radvanice and Bartovice municipal district and will help with cooling in the summer months. In the project, we focused on seven sub-sites, which logically follow each other and complement the mosaic of other projects, the aim of which is to increase the resistance of the urban area against air pollution and climate change. As part of the implementation, we revitalized the local greenery, planted 277 new trees and shrubs, established several new flower beds and carried out other landscaping improvements to the greenery, which will lead to the capture of impurities from the air. In the case of already existing greenery, we carried out rehabilitation interventions, which were preceded by a dendrological survey.

Thanks to the implementation of the project, we managed to create a "green wall" that separates the houses of our residents from industrial areas. Thanks to this green barrier, the amount of pollutants and dust particles that were blown into residential areas by the wind will be reduced. The planted greenery will also have a cooling effect and help the city to adapt to climate change. Ostrava is one of the first cities in the Czech Republic to create its own local adaptation strategies, and thanks to the support of the Norway Grants program, we are also able to fulfill this strategy.


Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.