Jekhetano lav (Common Voice)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Khamoro o.p.s.(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The project Jekhetane lay (Common Voice) aims to raise the level of integrating knowledge, skills and personal attitude of residents in socially excluded localities of Chodov, Nové Sedlo and Vřesová (Roma communities). The absence of these skills discourages the residents from creating functional relationships with the majority. The project will motivate the integration of local communities and the development of their advocacy competences. It will stimulate the civil and self confidence of residents and the cooperation with municipalities and others. Common voice of more than 1000 people will be strengthened.

Based on previous experience, we will focus on working with local communities to mobilize their internal resources. There are already functional core groups in Chodov and people have the experience to have the power to improve their situation themselves (establishing a relationship with the city, radically improving housing conditions, increasing employment, active access to elections, participation in demonstrations in Prague, etc.). From January 2020, we plan to start community work also in Vřesová and Nové Sedlo. Due to the possibility of long-term implementation the project aims not only to strengthen the self-help capacity of communities, but to connect all their core groups (existing and emerging) in the form of a joint advocacy group composed of representatives from Chodov, Nový Sedlo and Vřesové, who will gradually acquire the necessary skills, establish the relationships needed for effective negotiation and gain Jekhetane lay (Common Voice). The purpose of other activities is to increase awareness, opportunities, cooperation, self-confidence, but also simply a good feeling from the lives of all beneficiaries, because shared experience, joy and success is the driving force of community development.

Summary of project results

Around 500 people in Chodov, 400 in Nové Sedlo, and 150 in Vřesová, all of Romani ethnicity, are facing social exclusion. Besides all the risks and socially pathological phenomena associated with it, it is no less significant that these individuals experience strong frustration, doubt the possibility of improvement, suffer from low self-esteem, and believe they have "no chance" due to their ethnic background and social status. They often live in this atmosphere from childhood and lack positive role models. Aside from historical factors that allowed the emergence of excluded Romani communities and external barriers (majority prejudices, employment and housing discrimination, educational segregation, or inadequate legislative protection against falling into the "debt trap"), which require systemic solutions, another significant cause of the problem is the absence of "pro-integration" knowledge, skills, and personal attitudes that would enable people to effectively assert their rights and build functional relationships with the community, particularly with key local authorities. During the implementation of a community project in Chodov, we were surprised by how quickly, using suitable empowerment tools, communities and individuals can achieve the desired development. We are convinced that after years of work, we have found the right path. However, it is essential for us to continue on this path. Otherwise, one of the consequences could be a relapse in places where change has been achieved (which is still fragile), leading to a general stagnation of integration processes and the persistence of the local residents'' dire situation. Our perspective is based on our own findings and analytical and strategic documents, such as IPRÚ Karlovy Vary 2014 - 2020, SPSZ Chodov 2015 - 2018, Analysis of Vřesová within the application for partial remote support of APSZ, and Situational analysis of SPSZ Nové Sedlo.

After 30 months of implementation, the disadvantaged communities of SVL Chodov, Nové Sedlo, and Vřesová are cohesive and capable of carrying out self-help activities. Full achievement has been reached in the communities of Chodov and Nové Sedlo, while the residents of Vřesová actively participate in local activities; progress is hindered by the attitude of the mayor in Vřesová. They are represented by a joint advocacy group that has been trained and proven in advocacy work (Outcome 3.1). Successfully achieved, the advocacy group is functional. There is demonstrable improvement in civic awareness, legal awareness, self-identity, and self-confidence for a minimum of 200 beneficiaries (Outcome 3). Successfully achieved, 200 registered individuals simultaneously represent whole families. Relationships with local authorities (especially municipal leadership) are demonstrably functional, confirmed by three memoranda of understanding (Outcome 3.3), and cooperation with collaborating organizations is being developed. Partially achieved. Vřesová does not cooperate. Chodov welcomes community work but does not participate and does not provide written feedback. We received positive feedback from Nové Sedlo. Our relationship with the Karlovy Vary Region has strengthened, as they are interested in transferring good practices, and cooperation with other organizations has expanded (see MILESTONE). The applicant organization has the results of employment-related research (Outcome 3.4) and has initiated cooperation with non-discriminatory employers. Successfully achieved: the research has been conducted, and the report is attached. The qualitative capacities of the applicant organization have been strengthened, including the existence of an adjusted strategy incorporating new methods of working with disadvantaged groups (Outcome 3.2). Successfully achieved, we have included the development and methodology of community work in the strategy.

The aim of the project was to support, through community work and other tools, the inhabitants of socially excluded localities in Chodov, Nové Sedlo and Vřesová to mobilize their internal resources, learn them to formulate and promote their needs together, cooperate, gain the necessary self-confidence, and achieve a better overall feeling of life. To become vibrant communities whose voice "counts". We had no idea how difficult our journey together, three community workers and several hundred local people, awaited, how apt and empowering the motto "With courage!" would be for us. We started the project 14 days after the first declaration of the state of emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We have experienced several covid waves together, repeated restrictions on gatherings, closures of schools and kindergartens, together we have experienced fear, existential fears, many cases of illness and death; but also the rise of solidarity and mutual aid. No sooner had the situation normalized than came the war in Ukraine, the influx of Ukrainian refugees, the energy crisis and inflation having a devastating impact on the poorest families. Municipalities and the region often had completely different concerns than being interested in our project. Nevertheless, we are proud of the results of the project, even if they are not perfect. With local people, we have organized 8 community events, 5 trips to knowledge, 6 workshops focused on the development of civic awareness and legal awareness, employment survey, etc. A joint, professionally trained advocacy group was established and began to actively operate. More and more volunteers are getting involved. People took part in unprecedented numbers in parliamentary and local elections. The situation in socially excluded localities is different today. Local communities are united, their self-confidence and pride have increased. People have confirmed that in many respects they have their lives in their hands, that they can influence their life situation, that their voice is heard – all the more so when it is common.  Which is crucial for the rising generation. And continuing to accompany them on this journey makes deep sense to us.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.