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The project "Developing the Roma Civil Society Together“ fully corresponds with the aims of the Human Rights programme - it focuses on integration and strengthening the position of Roma people in the Czech society. The project focuses on connecting relevant players in the field of Roma integration in Prague. Reach of the project is the whole Czech Republic thanks to the promotional activities.
Applying organization is a NNO RomPraha. Partners are: 8 NNOs from Prague and Prague 7 City District. Partner NNOs are smaller ones, but their importance in Roma integration cannot be considered small. These NNO work with Romany people from all Prague Districts. Romany people have confidence in them that they can make a change. Partner Prague 7 City District is known as an active one in the field of Roma integration.
The aim of the project is participation on developing the Roma civil society according to the Strategy of Roma Integration. Project creates a platform whose members will participate on developing the Roma civil society. They will also support dialogue among organizations working with Romany people, public administration and other subjects connected with integration and strengthening the position of Roma people in Prague. Platform will issue 6 recommendations in order to make local integration politics and practice more effective.
The project systematically supports building of Roma civil society. Project combines following activities with the activity of the platform:
- Discussions over successes of Roma people, that will help to create a better image of Roma people
- a Workshop Toolkit will be created for public servants who work with Roma minority to deepen their knowledge of the Roma people. A workshop trial run will be realized according to the Workshop Toolkit.
We consider the project as very important one for fighting discrimination and developing cooperation of Roma civil society with all the relevant players.
Summary of project results
The expected benefits of the project were the development of Romani civil society; the issuance of recommendations that contributed to smoother Romani integration; the empowerment of Romani people; the improvement of the majority society''s view of members of the Romani minority; the increased motivation of members of the Romani minority to achieve something; the improvement of the understanding of the specifics of the Romani minority by officials of public administration bodies.
The project promoter established a platform that participated in building Romani civil society and supported dialogue between organizations working with Romani people, public administration and other entities involved in the inclusion and empowerment of Romani people in Prague. Both large Roma organisations and small Roma organisations were involved in the platform, and informal learning and sharing of experiences took place. The established Platform could represent Roma interests and inform other bodies about their activities and needs, etc.
Within the framework of the project, a platform was created to participate in the building of Romani civil society and to support dialogue between organizations working with Romani people, public administration and other entities involved in the inclusion and empowerment of Romani people in Prague. The Platform issued six recommendations. The project promoter also organized 9 debates with famous Roma people regarding their achievements and 3 workshops for civil servants. The project focused on connecting relevant actors in the field of Roma minority integration in Prague. Thanks to the publicity of the project, the project had a reach throughout the Czech Republic.