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In a democratic society one of the key elements of good governance for effective policy- making at the national and local levels is public involvement in the process of making decisions. Unfortunately, practice shows that municipalities are often limited to the fulfilment of specific regulations regarding public information, which in fact, is more formal than ensuring active participation of local residents. The example of such a negative practice has been found in the Territory plan of Rezekne region, where in 2020 the municipality established 4 new villages, merging/ dividing small historically established villages, and giving names to these new villages without asking local residents` opinion. By organising public survey, the municipality only formally fulfilled its duty to inform the public about the territory planning process, as the people most directly affected by the process, found out about it only post factum, when in mid- March, 2021, received a decision about the changed name of their residence. Consequently, the residents did not have an opportunity to understand the ongoing process in a timely and sufficient manner, to react appropriately and express their wish regarding the inclusion/ exclusion of their property in the territory of a new village as well as functional zoning of the property and even about the change of their residence name ( village/ community identity). To promote good governance and reduce negations created by such a municipal approach to development planning, the frame of this project anticipates 1) to initiate amendments to the Territory Plan of Rezekne municipality, 2) to organise an educational seminar- discussion ‘ I in my region’ , 3) to prepare an open letter to the President of Latvia regarding the small village of Pocelujevka, divided in the process of territorial planning of Rezekne region, asking for support to preserve the historically established territory and its name ‘ Pocelujevka’.