With a Mentor through Rubikon: Implementation of the Mentoring Program

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The submitted project is implemented by RUBIKON Centrum (RC) – an NGO that has been implementing programs to reduce recidivism for more than 26 years, and has applied many innovations from foreign good practice to the conditions of the Czech Republic. RC provides its services to app. 1500 people with a criminal record per year.
The project is a response to the insufficient capacity, continuity and interconnectedness of services for convicts leaving prison, and the accumulation of disadvantages and barriers to their integration.
The purpose of the project is to improve the conditions for 150 people in the process of leaving the custodial sentence in 5 prisons.
To accomplish this aim, we will create and verify in practice the methodology of the Mentoring Program, which will serve for the use in practice by other subjects. We will also train 8 mentors who will receive support and training throughout the project, and they will provide support to clients under the guidance of professional counsellors. The project will transfer good practice in the area of mentoring from the Norwegian organization Wayback to the conditions of the Czech Republic.
Work with the target group will take place in close cooperation with the professional team of the project, employees of the Prison Service and other subjects involved in post-penitentiary care in the Czech Republic. We will start cooperating with clients in prison and support will continue fluently after their release. Activities are focused on addressing key areas that have a demonstrable impact on the success rate in integration and recidivism of people released from prison:
- assistance in securing housing and other basic material needs
- assistance in finding a job, including retraining
- development of functional family relationships and other supportive social contacts
- solving the financial situation
- care for physical and mental health
- leisure and personal development.
Project schedule: 11/21-4/24.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.