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The project reacts to the long-term problem of the lack of specialized social services for victims of domestic and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic. This fact is reflected in various documents: The action plan for the prevention of domestic and gender-based violence for 2019-2022, Analysis of the availability of specialized social services for persons at risk of domestic and gender-based violence and Analysis of the quality and availability of specialized residential services for adult victims of domestic violence. The lack of crisis support for victims reflects the fact that there are only 3 providers of residential crisis support for the target group of victims of domestic violence in the Register of Social Service Providers. Thanks to the partnership with the City District of Prague 2, which will provide the necessary premises, we will establish a new Center for Comprehensive Crisis Support to Victims of Domestic and Gender-Based Violence. We will launch a non-stop toll-free telephone line for women experiencing all forms of domestic and gender-based violence, and we will launch program of SOS immediate assistance buttons for particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged victims. We will open an Academy of Specialized Support for social service providers who, although they have a registered target group of victims of domestic violence, lack specific procedures and standards for working with victims. Strengthening the specialization of these organizations will increase the availability of assistance to victims in the regions. The implementation of the project will have a positive impact on the target group of victims of domestic and gender-based violence through the activities described above. Through the Academy of Specialized Assistance, social service providers will benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
The project responded to the low number of specialised services for victims of domestic violence. The project promoter felt the need for a crisis assistance service - the possibility of a quick response and offering specialized help to victims within hours. Prague 2 councillors responded quickly to the need to create the capacity of crisis beds . The challenge was to operate the protection desk for SOS buttons when the assistive health service turned down our target group.
The project promoter created a centre for comprehensive crisis assistance for victims of domestic violence, which provides assistance in a residential form (capacity of 3 family places) with 15 beds and provides telephone crisis assistance on a toll-free line 24 hours a day. There is a functional assistance tool for high-risk victims of domestic violence (SOS buttons). The project promoter developed a Methodology for providing crisis assistance services to victims of domestic violence, new accredited courses. Thanks to mentoring, the project promoter was able to offer support and assistance to organisations that want to work according to the minimum standards for working with victims of domestic violence.
The main output of the project is a functioning complex crisis assistance centre ROSALIN with 15 beds and a free crisis line 800 60 50 80 in 24-hour mode. During the duration of the project, the project promoter helped 5 975 victims of violence. The project promoter trained 37 people in the academy and conducted mentoring with three organisations. Thanks to crisis assistance, victims can now find help almost immediately, they do not have to wait for a room to become available in a shelter or an appointment for counselling. The project has had a positive impact on increasing the capacity and accessibility of specialised services for victims of domestic and gender-based violence, reducing the latency rate of this problem and has contributed significantly to the timely seeking of help and to improvements in the protection of human rights (the right to safety and a life free from violence). It has strengthened the availability of crisis and immediate assistance for victims of domestic violence and their children.