Youth without hate

Project facts

Project promoter:
Regional Youth Council Zilina
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 29,592
The project is carried out in:

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Both the online and offline environment represent new opportunities, challenges as well as threats to young people. In both environments young people can and often do witness or become victims of human rights violations. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of young people about the causes, consequences and ways of addressing hate-speech, extremism, racial intolerance and xenophobia. Interactive activities will be organized at 54 high schools for 1350 young people who will thereafter share and discuss their experience on a newly launched website. 48 employees of NGOs and volunteers will participate in the training in the area of improvement of the quality of work with children and youth at risk. A survey about hate-speech will be conducted in the scope of the project (600 respondents) and a new methodology will be developed. The partners Youth council Presov and Youth council Trnava will conduct the survey and carry out the training and education in eastern and western Slovakia.

Summary of project results

Both the online and offline environments represent new opportunities, challenges as well as threats to young people. In both environments young people can and often do witness or become victims of human rights violation. The project outcomes will remain sustainable through the organisation’s authorisation to implement accredited education of trainers on the topic of hate speech. The organisation is also in a regular contact with key partners in the field of developing youth policies. The objective of the project was to raise the awareness of young people about the causes, consequences and ways of addressing hate-speech, extremism, racial intolerance and xenophobia. In long term, the project has contributed to decreasing hate attitudes and speech among young people, mainly in the online environment. The project also constituted a foundation for continual education on hate speech topic, which has spread to the second level of elementary education and university dormitories. The ministries of interior and foreign affairs have become involved in these activities as well. The outcome of the project Interactive activities were organized at high schools for young people who then shared and discussed their experience on a newly launched website. Employees of NGOs and volunteers participated in training on improving the quality of work with children and youth at risk. A survey about hate speech was conducted and a new methodology to address it was developed. The planned outcome was fully met. Main outputs: 67 school classes involved in hate speech mitigation activities; 61 NGO employees involved in training; 1,750 people involved in extended NGO activities; 1 survey/780 respondents/13 methodologies addressing hate speech; 1 new webpage Beneficiaries were involved mainly through training held at high schools, which conveyed some basic information about hate speech in both online and offline environments. The participants also learnt about the principles of safe internet use.

Summary of bilateral results