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The initiative aims at supporting the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant stakeholders to implement the commitments of Bulgaria as a member of the EU and of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to integrate measures for preventing antisemitism into national acts, in particular the elaboration and initial implementation of the first National Action Plan on combatting antisemitism.
The Action Plan to be developed by the Bulgarian MFA in cooperation with other stakeholders would benefit from Norway’s experience and expertise on raising awareness and promotion of
Summary of the results
In October 2023 the Council of Ministers accepted the First National Action Plan on Combating Antisemitism for the period 2023 — 2027, which can be found on the following link: An International Conference on Combating Antisemitism and Preserving the Jewish Heritage and a National Expert Forum on Combating Antisemitism and Preserving Jewish Heritage were held in order to facilitate the closer cooperation between researchers on antisemitism, Holocaust history, and the promotion of Jewish culture in Bulgaria and the exchange of good practices both at the national and European level. “The Origins of Totalitarianism” book by the Jewish writer Hannah Arendt was translated and published in Bulgarian. A large-scale study was carried out in the archives and documentation of state institutions, the funds of 16 Bulgarian museums were reviewed. Materials have been selected for a multimedia presentation. A team of professors from the National Academy of Arts was engaged to create the exhibition design and multimedia. An exhibition of Israel photographer Daniel Tchechik “Dark Waters” was realized with a creative workshop for young photographers. Youth short story contest dedicated to the saviours during the Holocaust “Who saves a human life, saves an entire universe” was organized in Burgas.