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Buyers of steel structures exposed to environmental factors, such as industrial halls and warehouses, are looking for products that will not require refurbishment for as long as possible during their service life. The main factor affecting the service life of a structure is the reduction of oxidation of iron exposed to external agents, i.e. protection of the structure from corrosion. We have therefore developed an innovative corrosion protection process which will be implemented at our manufacturing plant. PSM METALLBAU will offer new steel structures with corrosion protection in the form of paint coatings with a minimum guarantee of 10 years. The project will also refine the existing technological process in terms of speed, waste reduction, material and energy intensity, and reduce the negative impact on the health and safety of employees.
The activities planned under the project include the construction of a production hall with social rooms and the purchase of fixed assets necessary to implement the technology: a laser cutting machine, a painting chamber, a paint warehouse, a shot-blasting chamber, a tunnel furnace and compressors. We will also install photovoltaic panels.
As a result of the project our company’s electricity demand will be reduced by 0.12 GWh per year and CO2 emissions - by 156.45 tons. The annual volume of production waste will be decreased by 25.41 tons. We will create eight new jobs.
Summary of project results
The project was related to the implementation of the production technology developed by PSM Metallbau, which was to translate into an increase in the company''s competitiveness and have a positive impact on the natural environment, in accordance with the objectives of the program and the "environmentally friendly technologies" scheme. Activities leading to implementation were to include introducing innovative processes/solutions to the market (commercialization). The innovation of the technology was to be based on an original process of anti-corrosion protection.
The activities planned in the project included the construction of a production hall with social facilities and a photovoltaic installation, as well as the purchase of fixed assets necessary to implement the technology - a plasma burner, a painting chamber, a paint warehouse, a shot-blasting chamber, a tunnel furnace and compressors. All planned activities were aimed at implementing environmentally friendly technology for the production of steel structures. The implementation of the project allowed PSM METALLBAU to implement the technology for producing steel structures, which translates into:
- increase in employment in the enterprise,
- increase in revenues and profits from operations,
- positive impact on the natural environment expressed, among others, in reducing CO2 emissions, limiting the consumption of electricity, limiting the amount of waste generated and limiting the emission of dust and volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere,
- more effective surface protection against external factors (protection against the main problem of steel structures - corrosion);
- extended service life / warranty on structures (service life from 10 years and above),
- reducing production costs,
- more accurate coverage and anti-corrosion protection, especially in hard-to-reach places.
As a result of the project implementation, the objectives of the "environmentally friendly technologies" scheme were achieved: increasing the competitiveness of the PSM METALLBAU enterprise using environmentally friendly technological solutions by implementing activities leading to the implementation of innovative processes, products, services or solutions in the enterprise that lead to the development of the entrepreneur''s business activity, in particular, an increase in revenues, profit or employment, and at the same time better waste management, energy efficiency, reduced emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, and more efficient material management. As a result, the following results were achieved:
- innovative anti-corrosion protection technology was successfully implemented in the production of steel structures
- the Beneficiary''s offer included steel structures manufactured using innovative anti-corrosion protection technology in the form of hydrodynamically applied paint coatings with preliminary cleaning and heating of the material
- thanks to the implementation of the project, the Beneficiary strengthened its competitive position on the market - employment in the business was increased by employing 8 people as staff to work on product and process innovation
- an estimated reduction in annual CO2 emissions of 156.45 tons is expected
- it is estimated that the annual electricity consumption will be reduced by 0.12 GWh - the estimated annual volume of waste from the production and operation of the enterprise that has been processed, recovered or not produced is expected to be 25.41 tons