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People who have undergone hip arthroplasty can only regain their prior mobility in the way of comprehensive rehabilitation. In my Rehabilitation Centre (est. 2001) I am planning to introduce a new service of rehabilitation of 50+ patients after hip or knee replacement. Under the project I will implement a unique postoperative rehabilitation programme based on the restoration of normal posture scheme with a reduction of pain, fall prevention and intensive stimulation of processes of tissue regeneration. The acceleration of regenerative processes in tissues damaged during surgery will be done using state-of-the-art technologies, such as: a complete therapeutic system made of a high-energy laser and a module for cryotherapy, thermotherapy and contrast therapy; an apparatus generating concentrated shock wave, and a dynamometer platform for balance training and posture re-education on stable and unstable ground.
Apart from the purchase of the above-mentioned devices, the project will cover cooperation with a medical research unit that will develop the service and test it on patients, preparation of a market strategy for the service, and repair work to adapt the centre interiors for the new service.
Summary of project results