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Children with food, contact and inhalant allergies experience exclusion associated with many every-day limitations, such as not being able to eat a cake and most snacks at their peers'' birthday parties, not being able to have pets and to visit peers and family at homes where pets live or carpets and other dust-collecting items are used. As a mother of such children, I see the need to educate both allergy sufferers and people around them.
The project aims to create an application containing five educational games for children with various allergies, as the Polish market lacks applications for children with allergies that would combine educational and cognitive features with an attractive game-like formula. The application is designed for children up to 10 years of age, who are in particular in need of self-acceptance and acceptance of the difficulties associated with their allergies, and who need to learn how to avoid the dangers associated with allergies and take care of themselves..
The tool I created will support the acceptance of burdensome situations associated with having an allergy (taking medication, undergoing tests or participating in care procedures). It will allow children to identify with a selected character who also suffers from allergies and has dietary restrictions or has to undergo various treatments or medications. The app will also aim to support parents in explaining to their children why allergens should be avoided and how dangerous they can be (e.g. due to the risk of an anaphylactic shock).
The application will be available free of charge, and it will gain profit from advertisements - this model will be the most effective financially, as well as justified by the educational and social effect of the product, allowing universal access to it.
The project includes the services of developing and implementing a new product, as well as mentoring.
Summary of project results