Music Gallery

Project facts

Project promoter:
Fapte Association(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
the Norwegian Society of Composers and Lyricists(NO)

More information


Music Gallery serves as a context where people can discover the art of music. The project is developed by the Jazz in the Park team, the 2019 winner of the „Best Small Festival in Europe” title. Music Gallery acts as a pop up gallery, hosting exhibitions and special events. The project will be implemented in Cluj and Iasi. The main attraction of the project is an exhibition built on 3 types of experiences: knowledge, interaction and audition. The exhibition has 2 areas: 1. The Jazz area, which will present particularities of the genre from multiple angles: musically, historically, culturally, socially. People here will be able to discover the birth of jazz, its evolution and its cultural heritage. 2. The Music area, which has an interactive approach, giving participants the chance to discover music as a form of hobby. Participants here will have showrooms where they can test instruments and music equipment. In the development of the exhibition we will mix classic museum practices such as prints and panels, with creative and modern multimedia and artistic installations. The exhibition will be available to the public for 30 day in each city and it will be available for classic visits as well as special tours. The special tours will consist of a guided experience through all the areas of the exhibition and a live jazz concert. During the time the exhibition will be open, we will double its impact through special events such as live concerts, music events for kids, interactive music lessons and product launches. We will also have content dedicated to music artists consisting in masterclasses and for music professionals consisting in workshops, debates and study visits. Music Gallery is developed in partnership with NOPA, the organization that represents musicians in Norway. They will help us bring Norwegian musicians and will take part in a series of exchanges. Music Gallery will serve as a new context to present this art in a complete way.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.