Art, Wonder in a Book

Project facts

Project promoter:
The National Library of Romania(RO)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Grafill – Norwegian Organization for Visual Communication(NO)

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Today the way of reporting to information is changing, as the society enters a new stage of its development. Some theorists predict a mutation from the written word to the image, similar to the revolution brought in the past by printing, as digital civilization became more widespread. The National Library of Romania, following the example of European libraries, sought the balance between: the written word and the image, aiming to present to a wider audience the history of book illustration, and old and new, reinterpreting in a contemporary note the heritage book illustration. The project, implemented in partnership with Grafill - the Norwegian Organization for Visual Communication, aims to contribute to economic and social development through cultural entrepreneurship, addressing illustration in the context of marketing in the book industry within the hub created; through cultural heritage management, using digital technologies, to attract and retain a wider audience; through cultural cooperation in the creative process between Romanian and Norwegian illustrators. The specific objectives of the project are: (1) the development of professional skills for 5 illustrators and 3 curators, through the exchange of knowledge and experience with Grafill experts; (2) min. 1000 people, general public and professionals, aware of the importance of written culture for defining national identity, by participating in 6 contemporary art activities: a virtual exhibition with documents from special collections and reinterpretation of book illustration in contemporary art works, followed by projections in Library''s spaces in Bucharest and Alba iulia; (3) strengthening the role of design and illustration in book marketing, by creating a professional hub and the participation of 50 writers, designers, illustrators, editors in workshops and focus groups.  

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.