Improving data and contact management in Aperio

Project facts

Project promoter:
APERIO – Healthy Parenting Association(CZ)
Project Number:
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The project deals with insufficient quality of communication with Aperio clients and supporters, which is caused by an inefficient contact management. It leads to less efficient collaboration with them, more workload for Aperio team and collaborators, and leads both directly and indirectly to financial loss. In the course of the project, Salesforce system will be implemented, integrating different areas of Aperio’s focus, among them psychological and legal counselling, fundraising, and external communication. The plan is long-term and supported by the whole Aperio team. We will collaborate with the organization CRM for NGO’S (for implementation) and Easy Donation Coalition (sharing of best practices).
The project plan aims to implement a stable and sustainable CRM system in our organization, with the goal to decrease the workload and eliminate errors connected with following up with our clients and donors.
Those who are expected to benefit are the Aperio staff, the organization as such (more efficient processes) and ultimately our clients and donors. The communication with them will be clearer, faster and we will be able to analyze their needs more accurately.

Summary of project results

The overall impact of the project is positive. We are already seeing time savings and the opportunity to invest human resources in developing contact with donors instead of administration, and we are also seeing other opportunities for time savings. We believe that it was an appropriately chosen solution to the given problem. During the implementation of the project, the administrative burden of female employees in PR and FR was reduced. After the initial initial time investment, implementing SF represents a time saving of 12 hours per week in PR and 12 hours per week in FR.
PR and FR employees also report greater job satisfaction with contact management after Salesforce implementation:
- FR: clear reporting, automation of communication with donors, connection of salesforce to other communication channels (ecomail) and tools (telefundraising)
- PR: unification of contact collection, long-term monitoring of used services, better options for monitoring marketing performance and reporting.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.