More information
Solmex is a small sized company that is specialized for a CCTV inspection and technical testing of sewage and water systems. Company was established in 2015, and it is a family business. The reason for the investment is determined by the long-term plan of the applicant to expand their service portfolio, especially in the field of sewer rehabilitation by using CIPP (cured-in-place-pipe) liner technology and pipe-bursting technology for potable water pressure pipes. CIPP technology is a method of the sewer rehabilitation in which the old pipe is rehabilitated by installing a new impregnated pipe (liner) in the existing pipe. The Project Promotor will increase capacity of more environmentally friendly water system rehabilitation services and will make Solmex the technology leader in the Croatian sewer rehabilitation market,
Summary of project results
Objective of the project is to increase of competitiveness of the SOLMEX company by introducing a new and innovative UV-CIPP sewer rehabilitation technology. UV-CIPP (ultra-violet Curred-In-Place-Pipe) technology is a trench-less technology of sewer rehabilitation, where the new pipe (liner) is installed into the existing pipe in order to completely rehabilitate the old one and ensure it''s functionality, static stability and water-tightness for the next 50 years. This type of rehabilitation technology is new and innovative not only for our company, but also for the Croatian sewer rehabilitation market.
Output indicators:
1 innovative process/solutions (new for the company) applied, 3 new lots of UV equipment purchased and successfully installed, and 4 new products/services commercialized (new for the company) by 2023. All indicators fulfilled.
Estimated Annual Growth in Turnover is 87% when comparing 2023 and 2022. Estimated Annual Growth in Net Operational Profit is 69% when comparing 2023 and 2022. Additionally 5 job were created.