Increased competitiveness of SOURCETECH Bohdan Drzymała by developing and introducing to the market an innovative service based on technologies, improving the quality of life of the most vulnerable social groups, and in particular the elderly.

Project facts

Project promoter:
SOURCETECH Bohdan Drzymała(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:


The Polish society is ageing at a pace the fastest in the EU. It is estimated that in a few years over a half of the Polish households will be run by single seniors of 65+ years of age, while many people of that group require assistance in their daily lives and health monitoring. SOURCETECH, which operates in the areas of data analysis and support systems, has identified a social and market need for indirect care services using ICT tools, and for activation of local communities to create remote (ICT) self-help methods. Therefore, the aim of our project is to develop and market a telemedicine service based on life functions monitoring with state-of-the-art ICT solutions. The project covers both the technology itself, i.e. a band with a new functionality, and a service involving that technology. The band will be additionally equipped with a pulse oximeter (HV, HRV, SpO2) providing high repeatability of results and measurement reliability even when the patient is moving. This is particularly important in the case of fall prediction systems where data directly preceding the event are crucial.

To implement the service, SOURCETECH will have a telemedicine platform developed, and will open a modern care facility equipped with advanced telemedicine and IT systems. A house will be renovated and adapted for that purpose, with comprehensive home furnishings purchased for 106 boarders.

Summary of project results

The challenges for the project is to expand the competitiveness and make SOURCETECH company, services available by providing and making services available on the market, making vital functions software (developed as part of development work), with access to the ICT network. Developed technology will contribute to the quality of life of the most vulnerable social groups, including the elderly. To access the source that provides the launch a modern senior care home equipped with modern telemedicine, telemetry and IT systems, which will contribute to diversification undertaking. The investment will be based on technology acquired in the form of a license. Innovative effects of research on acquired protection solutions industrial device in the Polish Patent Office in the form of a patent (P.424823) and a utility patent (W.127115). For both applications, the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland issued a Report on the state of technology in category A, demonstrating innovation and providing a level of innovative solutions. The proposed service will be implemented by the applicant on a first-come, first-served basis perform.

Objectives of implementation of the following. action:

1) Implementation of initial investments: acquisition of new fixed assets

2)Implementation of initial investments: implementation of construction works

3) Implementation of initial investments: acquisition of intangible assets

4) Carrying out development work, including: design, construction and testing of prototypes and experimental models, implementation of the product for use and testing

Other alternatives in terms of services.

The project gets 100% of the planned results were achieved.

The 20 people were employed, including unemployed people due to work necessity.

The project is the basis for action, initially WOD, results

visitors do:

- the need for availability of offers about a new, functional product (service),

- implementation as a licensee license as part of R&D work for technology and direct protection in the Polish Patent Office as a patent and design utilitarian,

- the need to exploit a niche, and to take advantage of new opportunities related to the opportunity comparable Polish offers and consequences of service providers for seniors,

- the need to develop activities aimed at eliminating positions on the introducing market

extension for care senior citizen.

Good practices focus on the economic development of the region, improving the health of older people, the use of innovative technologies, the possibility of using telecare for the elderly, diversification of the enterprise, increase in the Beneficiary''s competitiveness

The results of BR''s work are:

- preparation of a prototype of installations and devices.

- preparation of a prototype of a mobile application intended for cooperation with another.

- preparation of the final software and software status report assumptions.

The main target group of the project [hereinafter: mean group] are potential residents:

- people over 60 years of age (elderly people), including people with cardiovascular diseases, from all over Poland (activities information and promotion will cover all Polish voivodeships), however, it is assumed that there will be the greatest interest among recipients from the provinces podkarpackie. Ultimately, the Applicant plans to expand the scope of its activities and also accept.

foreign patients, mainly from Western Europe, where the demand for care and nursing services is still growing.

Audience group in terms of:

- demographic – age over 60, women and men;

- geographical - all of Poland, possibly Western European countries;

- financial - the applicant does not assume any guidelines regarding the financial group, the care will be paid, so the person concerned should have financial resources to pay for the stay. The applicant will accept various forms of payment, including:

installment payments;

- psychographic – pers. older people, including chronically ill people and those with cardiovascular diseases. above mean group is a social group with limitations that prevent full enjoyment of social life. Indirectly, the project is also addressed to: families of residents, entities running senior care homes (need providing places in another center for their charges), employees of the Applicant''s company (extension of the business profile companies) including newly employed people involved in the care of residents, potential project partners.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.