From Green to Greener: Innovation of Salt Harvesting to Boost Sustainable Growth of Bugras Saltworks

Project facts

Project promoter:
Chernomorski Solnici JSC(BG)
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Established in 1906, Chernomorski Solnici, known as the Burgas Saltworks factory, has been a stalwart in processing sea waters for various purposes, including crystalline table salt, lye for winter road maintenance, and medical lye for the pharmaceutical and physical therapy industries. The company employs the phocean method, relying on natural evaporation of sea water for the singular harvesting of crystalized salt.

The primary aim of the project is to enhance the company''s competitiveness by introducing an innovative salt harvesting technology. The novel salt extraction process employs a salt-producing unit, comprising a specially modified chain loader harvester and an attached working body designed for the conditions of the salt ponds. The company''s R&D department has successfully developed a prototype for the salt harvesting machinery, and a registered patent model is in place. The dimensions and weight of the chain machine are meticulously adapted to the specific conditions at the bottom of the salt-making facilities and the natural surroundings of Chernomorski Solnici JSC. This environmentally friendly and efficient extraction process aligns seamlessly with the stringent requirements of the protected area of Atanassovsko Ezero, contributing to the lake''s biodiversity.

The envisaged investment promises increased production capacity, elevated final product quality, and enhanced working conditions, fostering a positive impact on both the company''s operational efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.