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Despite the annual increase in expenditure on rehabilitation services in Poland, patients'' access to such services is diminishing. In response to that challenge we have planed to develop and implement the Fixmee Plus system which is primarily intended for different types of physical activity: training, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and preventive physical activity. The target group of the project are people over 60 years of age with limb inertia, paralysis or paresis, limb amputations, injuries and traumas. The services will be provided remotely, so the project responds primarily to the need for efficient and rapid communication with specialists. The possibility to upload full medical records into the system, especially before the first visit, optimises the time of service delivery by specialists. After collecting data from the user, the system will suggest a workout plan from the available workout library (created by the specialists) or redirect the patient to online specialist consultations. Activities with the Fixmee Plus system will be possible to perform in sports clubs, medical rehabilitation centres, at home and outdoors.
The system will allow our company to compete effectively on the international market, as it will ultimately be available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Norwegian - with audio description and voiceover in these languages.
Summary of project results
The primary objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the company by implementing the results of the research work through the innovative software ‘Fixmee Plus’. The primary objective has been achieved through specific objectives defined, i.e. implementing the results of research and development work through an innovative product, thus providing services based on modern technologies, and increasing the company''s expansion into new markets, in particular by strengthening bilateral relations with Norway. The subject of implementation is an innovative system for conducting remote rehabilitation, training, prevention and strengthening plans, in particular taking into account people from disadvantaged groups (people with lower limb inertia, seniors, people with paralysis or paresis, amputees).
The activities envisaged in the project were carried out as part of two tasks, the first of which is ‘Task I - Implementation of development work with advisory services’, which concerns the development of the ‘Fixmee Plus’ system, extending the research and development work currently carried out by the Applicant. The next activity within the task was a consulting service for the final development and verification of the technical documentation of the ‘Fixmee Plus’ product, which was the basis for the execution and implementation of the system. This was followed by a technology service and a software testing service.
The next task was ‘Task II - Implementation of development work together with consulting services and purchase of fixed assets’, consisting of the execution of the system together with consulting services in order to implement the system. The company purchased videos, training/rehabilitation plans, a logo and a website with CMS were made, normative documentation was produced and three computer sets were purchased. The company used consultancy services to achieve its goals, including an innovation support service for system testing by an external entity, the development of a marketing strategy for Fixmee Plus, and an innovation support service for trademark protection was implemented.
The above tasks made it possible to produce the Fixmee Plus system, which uses the modules: Model, Guide, Training, Monitor, Reminder, Profile, Award, Edu, Contact, Report,Band, Community.
An innovative product, process and technology was introduced to the market in the form of the Fixme Plus product. In addition, employment in the company was increased by 3 people and the trademark was protected. The implementation of the project has had a significant impact on the functioning of the company as, among other things, it will contribute to an increase in employment. The Applicant''s offer has changed in terms of changes in service provision with regard to the distribution channel and implementation of the new investment project. The vulnerable group targeted by the project is in particular the disadvantaged group, which includes, inter alia, elderly people, people with limb inertia, people after paralysis or paresis, people with amputations of limbs, as well as people after injuries and traumas. The product primarily addresses the need for efficient and rapid communication with the specialist (a need mentioned by the surveyed group), for a wide range and
possibility of uploading the entire medical documentation, especially prior to the first visit or recommendations made, thus optimising the specialist''s service delivery time. By its wide application, the product contributes to breaking down the barriers faced by people from disadvantaged groups; moreover, the possibility of taking appropriate physical activity also provides the opportunity to do so in public places, thus helping to eliminate the stigmatisation of these people. The system has greatly facilitated communication with the specialist, which consequently contributes to not aggravating the trauma of long waits for medical consultations and facilitates the contact with the specialist itself through electronic means supported by the system''s extensive functionalities. The project ensures the implementation of the principle of accessibility for persons with disabilities. The applicant ensures that, through the solutions used, the designed products are usable by all users of the Fixmee Plus system, to the greatest extent possible.