Nowadays, in Slovakia, school land is almost without an exception not used for educational purposes and its potential is thus lost. The objective of the project is to teach teachers and their pupils how to use school land and thus to show practical examples for sustainable life. Its outcome is to build gardens at 8 pilot schools in a participative way and to inform at least 100 other schools. Outcomes: - 8 gardens at 8 pilot schools built and serve for educational purposes - at least 100 schools in Slovakia informed and inspired 8 teachers and 16 pupils at the pilot schools will take part at participative planning of the gardens. 80 teachers and 900 pupils will participate at building of the gardens and their active use in education. At least 100 schools will receive information. FEE Norway will provide lector and expert support to the whole project. Chaloupky, o.p.s, a Czech partner, will provide expert help in transforming of school land to natural outdoor classrooms.
Summary of project results
In Slovakia, school yards and gardens were not used for educational purposes and their potential was thus lost. The objective of the project was to teach teachers and their pupils how to use school land and thus to show practical examples of activities in line with sustainable life. The objective was fully reached. The results will be sustained and further developed, as Živica co-operates with the schools involved in the project via Green School Programme. As the project outcome, gardens at 8 pilot schools were built in a participative way and about 500 schools in Slovakia were informed. The outcome was fully achieved – the number of pilot schools was as planned and the information campaign was complex and successful. 8 gardens at 8 pilot schools were built and nowadays serve for educational purposes as natural outdoor classrooms. At their building and use, 9 teachers and 18 pupils participated intensely and about 90 teachers and 900 pupils up to some measure. Except of them, also 5 representatives of municipalities participated. Altogether, 49 pilot lessons were taught in the gardens in the project period. 12 one-day workshops for teachers were organised (318 participants) with the aim to disseminate the results. Also a course for Green School consultants was organised (19 participants). Methodical and information materials were prepared: a methodical handbook for schools Garden that teaches (90 pages, 1,100 issues) was distributed to 501 schools, 2 interactive websites were prepared (one about gardens and one about environmental education prize), a magazine Ďalekohľad (3,000 issues) and a leaflet (5,000 issues) were prepared and distributed and a traveling gallery of photos was prepared and used at events. An environmental prize was awarded in 3 categories (teacher, student and school) at a conference School of change (9 October 2014, Bratislava). Among 247 participants were pupils, teachers, headmasters, representatives of municipalities etc.
Summary of bilateral results
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) Norway brought to the project a long-term experience and inspiration - it has been running their own educational garden in a participative way for 12 years. The partner participated at both courses for pilot schools and a course for Green School consultants as well as at a closing conference School of change. It contributed to creation of the following materials: a methodical handbook for schools Garden that teaches, the website about gardens and the magazine Ďalekohľad. For teachers, concrete examples from practice are often the most inspirational and trustful. Slovak teachers appreciated possibility of personal meetings and discussions with representatives of the Norwegian partner as well as direct exchange of information and experience. A group of pupils attended pilot educational activities realised in the garden by the Norwegian partner in an excellent way. The concept of Eco-schools in Slovakia was strengthened by the project.