Families of children with special learning and educational needs often end up in in situations when they feel helpless and don't know what to do. Our educational system doesn't support the creation of a flexible learning environment in ordinary schools, which would fulfill the needs of all the children, including those with health disadvantages or talented children. The goal of the project is to identify the problems encountered by students, their parents and teachers in the process of integrating children with special educational needs and propose solutions to the problems. The project also aims to establish a functional, extended and strengthened Coalition for equality in education as a mechanism improving the collaboration of parents, community, NGOs and educational institutions. 3 workshops will be organized with the aim to gain information about their problems and needs and find solutions. The outcome will be a manual of advocacy advising. 50 people from the target groups and organizations will participate in the project.
Summary of project results
Families of children with special learning and educational needs often end up in situations when they feel helpless, not knowing what to do. Our educational system doesn't support the creation of a flexible learning environment in common schools, which would fulfil the needs of all children, including those with health disabilities or special talents. The project results will remain sustainable through Education Reform Portal. The objective of the project was to identify the problems encountered by students, their parents, and teachers in the process of integrating children with special educational needs and to propose solutions to these problems. The long-term outcome is the advocacy manual The Other Stories, which contains true stories of our children. It has the ambition to sensitise the public opinion and help the process of inclusion in the Slovak education system. The outcome of the project is a functional, extended and strengthened Coalition for Equality in Education as a mechanism improving the collaboration of parents, communities, NGOs and educational institutions. Workshops were organized with the aim to gain information about their problems and needs, as well as to find solutions. The outcome is an advocacy advisory manual. The planned outcome was fully met. Main outputs: 1 functioning Coalition for Equality in Education; 3 workshops/88 participants from target groups; 1 advocacy advisory manual; 30 other NGOs, experts and partners involved; 10 outcomes in media Beneficiaries were involved Parents of children with special education needs and their communities were actively involved in workshops and project outcomes implementation, based on true stories about the barriers which complicate the access of children to education in common schools. The elementary schools’ administrative authorities, management members, and teachers received information about problems faced by both children with special education needs and their parents, including information about good practice examples.
Summary of bilateral results