Family Strenghtening Programmes as an Effective Tool of Protecting Children from Violence

Project facts

Project promoter:
Embrace - Help for Children in Crisis
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 65,968
The project is carried out in:
Žilinský kraj

More information


20 % of the female population in Slovakia have experienced violence. The objective of this project is the improvement of terrain and ambulant social services for children endangered by CAN syndrome (Child Abuse and Neglect). Main achievement is to enhance protection of children endangered by violence in families, to achieve their early identification and to work with families at risk to prevent family break-up and institutional care. The outputs will be prevention of violence on children and elimination of the negative effects of violence on victims. These outputs are reached by creation of specialized teams (2 social workers and 2 psychologists) focused on investigation and identification of the families at risk, professional counseling and terrain social work utilizing principles of case management. Direct beneficiaries of the project are at-risk families (30 families with 60 children) and professionals (50) involved in case management in region of Žilina.

Summary of project results

20 % of the female population in Slovakia have experienced violence. The objective of this project was to improve of terrain and ambulant social services for children endangered by CAN syndrome (Child Abuse and Neglect). The main achievement was to enhance protection of children endangered by violence in families, to achieve their early identification and to work with families at risk to prevent family break-up and institutional care. They reached it (prevention of violence on children and elimination of the negative effects of violence on victims) by the creation of specialized teams (2 social workers and 2 psychologists) focused on investigation and identification of the families at risk, professional counseling and terrain social work utilizing principles of case management. Very successful was the establishment of case conferences and case management of all stakeholders. Direct beneficiaries of the project were at-risk families (63 children and 147 family members) and professionals (111) involved in case management, case conferences in region of Žilina.

Summary of bilateral results