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Project objective is to faciliate integration related measures in Mucenieki and the associated accommodation centre for asylum seekers and to enhanced multi-cultural dialogue and cooperation between the communities in the municipality by providing sports and leisure infrastucture.
In order to promote the interaction between asylum seekers and the local community, the project intends to reconstruct the Mucenieki Stadium, which will become one of the main meeting places for the target groups by organizing the activities of health promotion, sports and culture.
In order to provide effective involvement of asylum seekers in the local community and increase the capacity of the municipality, study and experience trips to Latvia and Norway will take place in cooperation with the Municipality of Elverum (Norway).
Within the framework of the project, there are planned activities of health promotion, sports and culture in which both asylum seekers and the local community will be involved to take part together.
The target groups of the project are asylum seekers and the local community.
Venue of activities: Ropaži municipality (Mucenieki and Ropaži villages).
The planned results of the project:
- 1 sports field reconstructed in Mucenieki.
- Knowledge gained and good practice adopted regarding the involvement of asylum seekers in the local community.
- 14 events of health promotion, sports and culture held.
- A good practice guide book for the integration of asylum seekers into the local community published.
- 5000 participants involved in the activities of the project.
The project will be implemented in the time period from 01.10.2021. to 30.04.2024.
Total costs of the project: EUR 750 000,00.
Summary of project results
The project aims to strengthen integration activities in Mucenieki and the related reception centre for asylum seekers, promoting multicultural dialogue and closer cooperation between the municipality''s communities by providing sports and leisure facilities.
The reconstructed sports stadium has provided the planned infrastructure, which serves as a platform for multicultural dialogue and cooperation between the local population and the asylum seekers and foreigners living in the village of Mucenieki. The cultural, sports and health promotion activities implemented are proof that it is through cooperation and working together that unity and mutual understanding are possible and that language, religious and educational barriers are "overturned".
It is very important to get confirmation of the relevance of the project activities, which is supported by the level of satisfaction of the population with the quality of integration services. The level of satisfaction was assessed among both asylum seekers and the local population. It should be noted that asylum seekers stay in the Asylum Seekers Accommodation Centre for up to 3 months. Therefore, the evaluation will use information provided by different persons in the scoreboard.
Level of satisfaction of asylum seekers and residents with the quality of integration services provided by the programme (on a scale of 1 to 5), achieved value - 4.7.
Supporting the integration of asylum seekers - number of sports and cultural events organised to promote the successful integration of asylum seekers - 13 events to promote the integration of asylum seekers - Easter events, Midsummer events, Heritage Day event in 2023, Sports Day event in 2023, 2 Health Day events in 2023, 36 Football activities, 30 Yoga activities, 30 Zumba activities, 40 Gymnastics activities.
The sports stadium in Mucenieki was reconstructed, offering more diversified sports and leisure opportunities - the sports stadium was reconstructed on 23 November 2023 and opened on 24 November 2023.
Summary of bilateral results
The Elverume municipal administration (project coordinator and assistant project coordinator) provided coordination and advice on health promotion and integration through remote and face-to-face consultations. The municipal administration of Elverum coordinated and organised an exchange mission to Latvia. To ensure more effective implementation of health promotion and integration measures, experts from The Innland College University, invited by the Municipality of Elverume, shared their knowledge, experience and good practices on health promotion and integration to advise on capacity building on health promotion and integration.Norwegian experts - a public health specialist and a nutritionist - gave lectures on the basic principles of healthy eating and living in the Nordic countries.1 sports stadium in Mucenieki is reconstructed. The level of satisfaction of asylum seekers and residents with the quality of integration services provided by the municipality has increased.Good practice guide for the involvement of asylum seekers in the local community published.