DraBiNa: Drama, Biography, Narrative. Innovative method of activation of elderly

Project facts

Project promoter:
St. Jadwiga Foundation(PL)
Project Number:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Ós Pressan(IS)
Other Project Partners
Fundacja Via Salutis(PL)


The project is of a development and implementation nature and it aims at strengthening organizations working with seniors and equipping them with tools to increase the effectiveness of their work and - it is a value from the perspective of the development of the civic sector - the readiness of elderly people to be socially active, engaged, and included in important public matters. The need for such activities is indicated by both studies conducted by the grantee and among participants of psychogerontology courses, who notice the lack of courses and materials for educational and developmental work with the environment of seniors, as well as statistical data indicating that only 12% out of 716 organizations classified as “for seniors" are involved in activities and education for seniors. The majority of project activities will be addressed to educators and animators in organizations for seniors. We will develop and promote an educational program to activate senior citizens on the basis of our own method based on art, culture, narrative, biography, and drama. We will strengthen at least 15 NGO in the area of gerontological education and organize a series of training courses for 20 people (representatives of NGO and other institutions). We intend to establish a network of cooperation comprising experts in education of 60+ people. We will publish two books: “Tool kit" and “Workbook for senior citizens", which will be made available to everyone interested in them. Organizations for seniors participating in the project or taking advantage of the materials developed will broaden their educational offer and strengthen their human resources. The partners - Via Salutis Foundation and a partner from Iceland, Os Pressan - will share their know-how related to working for the benefit of the environment of senior citizens and environments at risk of social inclusion as well as with regard to educating gerontological experts, pedagogists, animators, and caretakers.

Summary of project results

We implemented the project to fill the gap in the area of gerontological education, to create and disseminate innovative methods and techniques for working with seniors through manuals and training aimed at educators and leaders of senior communities. Our survey of NGOs at the stage of writing the project proved that third-age universities from small towns, operating as NGOs, among others, need training for senior educators. Seniors expect workshop-like, creative forms of work, enabling interaction and establishing relationships. Organizations need capacity strengthening in activities for seniors. Especially NGOs in small towns need working tools and support in specialization of staff. There are gaps in the educational market in training offerings for senior educators, other than postgraduate degrees, which are expensive and out of reach for everyone. Organizations working for seniors are scattered, it was important to create a network of such institutions.


A conference was held to launch the project with information, integration, education and networking, new methods of working with seniors were developed, a "Seniors'' Workbook" and a "Toolbox" were published, a study visit to Iceland and a study visit by Icelandic women to Poland were implemented. Workshops testing new methods of work for seniors were held, training sessions were held for 20 educators from NGOs and institutions involved in the education of seniors. A closing conference was also organized, during which the results of the project were presented and networking activities were conducted.

The project was successful, civic organizations dealing with seniors were strengthened. Their representatives were trained, equipped with tools, established a network of cooperation. The achieved change will be long-lasting, educators use the network, declare readiness to implement joint projects. Currently, 4 institutions from the network have joined the Mobile Nestor Academy project implemented by Via Salutis. Representatives of institutions from the network are taking part in training courses under the "WzMOCnieni" project implemented by Via Salutis.
As a result of the project''s implementation, the following benefited: organizations and social institutions working for the benefit of seniors and the educators representing them, who gained knowledge, and seniors who participated in the workshops.

"Seniors on DraBiNa social engagement" was a project to disseminate the results of the project "DraBiNa - drama, biography, narration. An innovative method of activating senior citizens" among representatives of social institutions and organizations dealing with senior issues, as well as among representatives of senior communities acting as senior leaders from all over Poland. This was served by a dissemination meeting and methodological workshops implementing the education and engagement method developed in the project. These activities were attended (as planned) by about 50 people representing various institutions working educationally and supportively with seniors.

Summary of bilateral results

We had a successful collaboration with our Icelandic partner and we want to continue it. We even have an idea for this continuation. The Icelandic partner conducted theater classes with our seniors, which were new to us. On the other hand, the Icelandic partner learned a lot from us about the support system for seniors in Poland and the role of NGOs in it).

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.