To live without Fear

Project facts

Project promoter:
Social services centre ANIMA
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 71,383
The project is carried out in:
Žilinský kraj


Liptovský Mikuláš district lacks advisory service to provide help to women facing violence. In addition, the document "Monitoring of social services for women facing violence and their children in respect of European standards" also states, that Liptovský Mikuláš district urgently needs to build advisory centre for women and children vulnerable to and facing violence . The main purpose of the submitted project is building of the advisory centre for the above mentioned clients in Liptovský Mikuláš. Advisory centre will provide services to clients with address in Žilina Self-governing Region with the emphasis to neighbouring and close districts of Ružomberok, Dolný Kubín, Tvrdošín a Martin. Most activities of the advisory centre will be carried out in the area of Liptovský Mikuláš district with 72,000 citizens. The first activity is the building of the advisory centre, the second activity is focused on provision of services of advisory centre and the third area of the advisory centre is building connections between the facilities. The target groups are victims of the partner violence and their children. The victims will be provided with necessary information, directions, guidance in arranging particular help, mediation of further professional assistance (psychologist, legal, medical...). As the victims of the partner violence need long-term assistance, the services would not end with crisis intervention only, but they will also be provided support and assistance as long as the violence is pending.

Summary of project results

In Liptovský Mikuláš district there wasn´t a counseling service that would provide assistance to women who survived violence. Also, according to the document "Monitoring social services for women survivors of violence and their children in terms of European standards", there was an acute need in the district of Liptovský Mikuláš to establish a counseling center for women at risk and surviving violence and for their children. The main objective of the project was to create a consulting center for the above-mentioned clients in the town of Liptovský Mikuláš, which will also provide services to clients residing in the territory of the Žilina self-governing region. The promoter has succeeded in meeting this main goal. The first activity for which the largest financial amount was enmarked from the project budget was the establishment of a counseling center. This part was fully implemented as planned. An important part of the project was publicity and search activities, in which the promoter made and distributed a lot of promotional material. He also approached general offices, church chambers, labor offices, police, curators, courts, prosecutors, and in cooperation with them, and offered help to the threatened women. The main activity was and still is direct counseling with women experiencing domestic violence. Direct labor with a woman experiencing violence helps a woman gain a lost self-confidence, security. We help him stand on his own feet, find an adequate job, have a stable income, withdraw from the partner and financially, become a full member of a society that can take care of his children, and at the same time ceases to be dependent on state help and benefits. the state is being abolished. An important part of the project was also preventive activities, whose role was to promote gender equality and combat gender stereotypes. Rod-sensitive education respects the individuality of every person and rejects gender stereotypes. We actively worked on youth, schools, collaborating organizations, the public, etc., which helped to contribute to gender scumblity. Economic and social sustainability is closely linked to the reduction and gradual elimination of violence. The fact that we try not to be indifferent to violence, to educate and educate to respectful and equal human interpersonal relationships, is gradually reflected not only at the socio-economic but also the economic level. The costs of violence are not only women experiencing violence and their children, but their whole society suffers.

Summary of bilateral results