In Prešov region, the only association which offers services for abused women in line with European standards is "WeMothers". The association is currently on its way to establish the first regional standard Safe Women’s House. It will allow the strengthening not only the building capacity for the clients and their children but also the accessibility and professionalism of the association. There is a need to improve the level of knowledge and theoretical and practical experience on healing post trauma syndrome of our clients as well as work on the improvement of the relationship between mother and child/children negatively influenced by experience of violence in the home intimacy. The project is a continuing effort of all partners to establish multidisciplinary approach to the solution of the gender violence problems of the clients. In this complex approach, the role of organisations is to provide advisory and short time housing services. The only way the organisations are able to provide these kind of services is by getting support from general public and by improving tolerance rate towards the clients and their children. That is why there is a need for professional public relation campaigns to enhance the knowledge on gender violence topic and to eliminate victimization of abused women and their children. The project is expected to create and sustain the professional specific advice services of three Slovak partners (MyMamy, Slniecko, WIS) and provide professional PR campaign with assistance of PRERAG agency and NoraSenter with experience in campaigning, focused on Prešov, Nitra and Žilina region.
Summary of project results
In Prešov, Žilina and Nitra region there were 3 specialized facilities for the partner violence victims. The counselling services had some limits before the project implementation caused by the lack of professional personnel. The counselling services support enabled the extension of the variety of services in beneficiery and also in partners organisations. The project has improved the accesibbility of the services via terrain crisis conuselling providing in the frame of all 3 regions, where the project partners are settled. From long term point of view, the project was not only the opportunity for the strenghtening of all 3 partners capacities but also the chance for the establishing of the special focus point for all other releant subjects in all 3 regions. The project aimed also in dissemination of whole Slovak co-operation and know-how sharing from partners organisations. The Project has achieved the planned results and outputs.They were divided in between 3 partners of the project, which were supported. The project promoter and 2 partners has exceed estimated number of the cases in counselling of abused women - estimated number was 120 cases, the real number was 150 cases. The outputs concerning the media campaign and events were achieved. The project results: improved general public information level in the area of gender and domestic violence and posibilities for women experiencing violence, gender violence prevention and the change of the girls' and women' attitude towards stereotypical models of behaviour in male-female relationships. The project signficantly supported already existed services and contribute towards the designing of new services specigically designed for the women expriencing violence and their children in Prešov, Liptovský Mikuláš and Nitra district. Thanks to project implementation the services for women and their children were much more easily achievable, more complex as well as for the women from sensible target groups. The results are mainly about the number of personnel in caunselling in each partner. All the partners has achieved figures in case of caunsellers for children, clients and also for specialised services. The figures of project objectives in media campaigns objectives were achieved. There were 3 information happening realised by each partner for general public.
Summary of bilateral results
Experience and contact with Norasenteret Kirkenese was very helpful by sharing of good practices from the country with the philantropy long term experience and professional providing social services in Slovakia. The Project Promoter also thanks to working visit in Norway had started with much more complex services not only for women but also for children of abused women. Following was the division of personnel for one for women and another one for children. The information and experience with the posttrauma healing for abused women were very useful for the practice of the beneficiary organisation. Exactly the new services created thanks to co-operation with norwegian partner was the best experience achived in frame of the project. Bilateral partnership was crucial one for the designing the specialized services not only for clients but also for their children. The new services could not be effective without experience form our partner as the project beneficiary and the partners could avoid mistakes and can utilize experience form Norway.