Use of modern technologies in vocational education

Project facts

Project promoter:
Secondary School of Interior Design Kateřinky – Liberec(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Donor Project Partners:
Secondary vocational school in Sykkylven(NO)
Other Project Partners
TANPA s.r.o.(CZ)

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The project objective is to develop the cooperation between the Czech upper secondary school and potential future employers of its students in the field of practical learning by using experience from the Norwegian partner school. The project responds to the current needs of students in relation to their employability, and thus focuses on the use of modern technologies (robotics, automation, programming, etc.) in teaching, and it also supports professional development of teachers. In addition, it aims to  increase the role of employers in preparing students for their future profession.
The project activities include a mutual study visit. The teachers from both countries and the representative of the Czech partner company will observe the background of the visited school, an ordinary school day, cooperation between the school and a partner company, practice management, teaching methods and potential employment of students. The experience gained during the study visit will be used for the creation of a memorandum of understanding and the ECVET unit that will work with the principles of Industry 4.0 and it will reflect the latest trends in teaching. These documents will be a base for further development of student internships and work-based learning (innovation of the school educational plan, which will include an intensive cooperation with partner companies; evaluation tools of the cross-border partner cooperation, etc.)
The project will enable the school to deepen its cooperation with partner companies and it will increase the motivation of companies to cooperate with the school in the long-term perspective. It will have a positive impact especially on the employability of students who will be better prepared for the labour market. Moreover, the project is a start of a long-term cooperation with the Norwegian partner.

Summary of project results

The project aimed at improving the tuition at our school through the usage of modern technologies. We have already implemented them in our classes but we wanted to reach an international competitiveness thanks to obtaining new competences from the educational environment of our partners. At the same time, we needed such an educational format which would correspond with the expectations of the companies on the market. This was helped by the presence of a Czech partner in this project. The result was supposed to be a collection of competences in the area of modern technologies which our students should gain throughout their studies. We used the ECVET system to do so and together with our partners we prepared a unit of learning outcomes. All this came to life thanks to an intensive communication between us and our Norwegian partners and as a result of the realisation of two study visits that were project activities. It was these visits to Norway and to the Czech Republic that brought in mutual deeper knowledge of the educational processes and the companies’ requirements.

Summary of bilateral results

Before the commencement of this collaboration, we did not have any experience with working with Norwegian partners or had any information about the system of Norwegian vocational education. Having said that, the experience from Norway has been very beneficial for us. Based on mutual discussion and on experience from study visits in the Czech Republic and Norway, we were able to put together a common Unit of Learning Outcomes for mobility programmes which focuses on combining modern technologies with craft. Before the project commenced, we had not known our partner from Sykkylven very well but owing to our mutual activity, we established very precious relationships and, in the future, we would like to develop these through students’ mobility programmes and teachers’ internships in the Czech Republic and Norway. To do so, we will use the Erasmus+ programme.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.