CONGRUENT - Necessary Competences for Heterogeneous Groups of Young People

Project facts

Project promoter:
Docuart Association(RO)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The implementation of such a project is necessary, because it is important to reduce the disparities between young Roma and non-Roma. The project also aims to increase the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the inter-ethnic community in Com. Balesti, Gorj County in partnership with the "Antonie Magoș" Ceauru-Balești School. According to the 2014-2020 Local Development Strategy of Balești, among the development priorities necessary for the community they specified: the development of the entrepreneurial sector, the development of human resources, the improvement of educational services, the increase of the quality of life, the protection of the environment. 

The project aims to increase the capacity for 400 beneficiaries from the target group (200 children and 200 adults) to contribute to social inclusion of young people through awareness campaigns (preventing and combating discrimination and domestic violence, sex education, health education, etc.). common civic actions (greening) and dialogue actions (consultations with local public authorities, organization of focus groups, proposals for action plans, etc.) 

At the same time, the project will create a development-friendly context for 200 primary and secondary school students by arranging and equipping a video projection room, improving the school-child-parent relationship through a parenting program for 200 parents, mentoring program for children and parents, anti-bullying program through cinematherapy and psycho-therapeutic services. 

The project also aims to increase the economic capacity of the community through financial education and entrepreneurship workshops for 200 pupils, an accredited entrepreneurial skills course for 20 adults and offering consulting and mentoring services for 20 potential entrepreneurs in the preparation of business plans and information on available financing sources.

Summary of project results

The project aims was to reduce disparities between young Roma and non-Roma, aiming to increase the inclusion of vulnerable groups through interventions designed for as different age segments as possible.

There were more than 60 meetings with students in order to combat various forms of discrimination, violence, exclusion, but also 16 mentoring workshops, with a view to optimal integration in the community. In parallel, the students'' parents participated in the activity. of mentoring; psychoeducation; psychotherapy. In order to understand the child''s needs, but also to strengthen the school-parent-child relationship, the students'' parents actively participated in 8 meetings (70 parents) with experts with the aim of identifying resources to provide optimal conditions for children''s development. Parents received a comprehensive support guide for these identifications at the end. The same parents and students (251 in number) were present at 16 mentoring workshops. At the same time, 107 individual psychotherapy sessions took place. In project the two facilitators finalized the "Local Development Plan" of the community, carried out awareness campaigns and handed over to the local authorities 3 initiatives signed by the adult Bălești community, the young community (students) and the community made up of vulnerable groups . Also, with regard to the organizational matrix, an online promotion campaign was carried out with the objective of subscribing 500 people to the Docuart YouTube and Newsletter channels.

Main results:

  • equipping the educational unit in the interethnic community with a video projection room for students (Baleni community)
  • running a parenting program for parents of children from the interethnic community to improve the school-child-parent relationship: 181 parents;
  • running a mentoring program through non-formal activities for disadvantaged parents and children from the inter-ethnic community: 383 parents and children beneficiaries of the mentoring program; 24 mentoring workshops through non-formal activities;
  • organization of a program to combat bullying through cinema therapy (educational workshops for students, non-formal methods, documentary films, role-playing games, etc.): 215 children beneficiaries;
  • providing psychotherapeutic services for disadvantaged children from the interethnic community: 42 children beneficiaries;
  • conducting financial education and entrepreneurship workshops for students: 30 workshops for 200 children from primary and secondary school;
  • organization of an ANC-accredited entrepreneurial skills course to increase the economic capacity of vulnerable adult groups: 20 trainees (of the inter-ethnic community) obtained certificates specializing in entrepreneurship;
  • Providing consultancy and mentoring to potential entrepreneurs in the realization: The 20 trainees benefited from consulting and mentoring for the creation of personalized business plans.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.