Modernisation of emergency housing for the victims of domestic violence.

Project facts

Project promoter:
Slovak Red Cross, territory guild Trebišov
Project Number:
Target groups
Victims of intimate-partner violence,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 188,898
The project is carried out in:
Košický kraj


The victims of domestic violence are often misunderstood, lose friends and acquaintances, and meet with understatement of their serious problem. The proposed facility offers help to the targeted group of people that happened to be in critical situation and gives them time to think about next step in their lives.The goal is to modernize and increase the capacity of the facility and with that related services to clients. Also, the next main objective is to raise awareness of this issue particularly among young people. The reconstruction and modernisation of emergency housing MAJAK (BEACON) will provide therapeutic and recreational activities for the clients of the facility, that will be the base for workshops focused on elementary and high school students and publicity. The project presents direct benefit to targeted groups of abused women and their children and public community, students and professors of elemental and high school. Partners will participate in workshops, therapy, spare time and volunteer work which will strengthen already existing partnership between these organisations.

Summary of project results

The main aim was to take care of abused women and their children and to protect their dignity and to respect their rights. The violence cannot be tolerated. The one that causes violence is the one held responsible. One of out of every five women is abused. Objective of the project was to strengthening the capacity and quality of the service in the field of prevention and care for the victim of domestic and gender-based violence. The aim of our project was to break the silence about topic. We achieve it throughout modernization and increased the capacity of the facility and with that related services to clients. Also throughout raising of awareness of this issue in public activities particularly among young people. This reconstruction and modernisation of emergency housing MAJAK with all the amenities providing therapeutic and recreational activities for the clients of the facility. Workshops for elementary and high school students which took place during the project and advertising in regional newspapers broke the silence of domestic and gender-based violence. Students and the professors participated in workshops. Also general public got familiar with the issue of domestic violence through the press and web pages

Summary of bilateral results