Kosteliska - Restoration of Alluvial Habitats

Project facts

Project promoter:
Czech Society for Ornithology – South Moravian Branch(CZ)
Project Number:
In implementation
Initial project cost:
Other Project Partners
Biology Centre CAS(CZ)
Czech Society for Ornithology(CZ)
Slovak ornithological Society/BirdLife Slovakia(SK)


The main objective of this project is to restore and expand habitats suitable for the support of rare and protected species and to reduce the occurrence of invasive species in the Bird park Kosteliska (Objective 2.3.1 of National Biodiversity Strategy of the Czech Republic). The bird park has been established in 2020 by acquiring part of the land and starting cooperation with owners of the other estates. The project aims especially at biotopes abutting the fishpond with the main objective of supporting its non-productive functions, primarily the ecostabilization (Objective 3.3.5).   

The goal of the project is to use traditional agricultural methods such as grazing or mowing to start effective care of the area and boost a wide selection of habitats ranging from the pond itself, the pond banks, wet meadows and wetlands to dry sandy low hills. The principal activities of the project will be the suppression of invasive plant species and setting up cattle grazing. In some places, slight landscape adjustments will take place to achieve flooding of some areas or to enhance biodiversity and support elimination of invasive species.  Although birds are considered to be the priority species of the project, it aims to influence the area so that there are the most favourable conditions for a broad spectrum of plants and animals. Further activities will focus on finding environmentally friendly ways of opening the bird park for visitors (both the residents and nature-loving tourists). The anticipated outcome of the project is a significant improvement to the state of the area including suppression of invasive and expansive species, expansion of naturally valuable habitats, setting up suitable care of the territory and raising greater awareness of the protected area.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.