Availability of prompt and effective specialized support contributes to the better quality of women and their children's lives as well as to relief or eliminate the negative impact of violence on their lives. Furthermore, availability of specialized support contributes to prevention of femicides and murders of children as a consequence of gender based violence in intimate relationships. Absence of specialized support services negatively impacts lives of women and children as well as the social and economic development of the whole region. The objective of the project is to reduce gender based violence. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of the self governing region first-contact office, as well as the existing specialized support services and extend the range of support service types (social, psychological and economic counselling, legal counselling and aid, services far children, etc.) and farms (telephone and e-mail counselling, face-to face contact, etc.). Survivors of gender based violence against women in intimate relationships (women and their children) are the primary beneficiaries of the project. Currently, there are 2 specialized counselling centres for women experiencing gender based intimate partner violence in Kosice Self-governing Region - Fenestra in Kosice, Pomoc rodine in Michalovce and there is 1 specialized women's shelter Kotva in Trebisov. Last year, a new specialized counselling centre was established - HANA in Spisska Nova Ves. Moreover, the project will focus on further development of cooperation and exchange of information among specialized support services and relevant state and public institutions operating in Kosice Self-governing Region (5 one-day multi-agency meetings are planned within the project).
Summary of project results
The goal of the project was to contribute to availability and higher quality of specialised support services form women - survivors of gender base intimate partner violence in Kosice Self-Governing Region (hereinafter KSR) in line with the international and national strategic documents on this issue and with the CoE Minimum Standards for Support Services. The project resulted in streghtening the capacities of the first-contact and information office of KSR and 3 specialised counselling centres and one women's shelter operated by the project partners - Fenestra (Kosice), HANA (Spisska Nova Ves), Pomoc rodine (Michalovce) and Kotva n.o. (Trebisov) respectively. The project has contributed to better quality of protection and support for women on the part of relevant institutions through developing and carrying out workshops and multi-agency cooperation in all towns where the project partners are based. Specialised help and support to 735 women was provided during the project implmentation. Project partners had 5 meetings aimed at exchange of experience. There were 11 workshops carried out within the project for representatives of relevant state and public insitutions and organizations in order to increase their awareness about gender based violence against women and to improve their interventions through developing their skills in areas such as identification of violence, riks assessment or safety planning. Multi-agency working groups have either been started or developed by the project partners at the local level through 20 meetings we carried out. A brochure (2,800 pcs) seeking to improve the interventions of relevant state and public institutions and raise their awareness about different aspects of gender based intimate partner violence against women. We also distributed 8,500 information flyers on gender based violence against women and about available specialised support services in Kosice region. As a part of primar prevention, 6 discussions with young people on gender based violence, as well as 6 performances of a theatre play for children were carried out within the project. The quality and availability of specialised counselling to women has been increased - the number of kinds and forms of counselling (telephone helplines, e-mail counselling, personal contact, accompanying women to various institutions, etc.) has risen from 3 to 19, which means more complex help and support available to women - survivors of gender based intimate partner violence, the main beneficiaries of the project.
Summary of bilateral results