Identification of the main causes of air pollution in the North Bohemian brown coal basin

Project facts

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The aim of the project is to identify the origin of air pollution by suspended particles in the North Bohemian Coal Basin and to reduce the impact of air pollutants through the adoption of appropriate measures.

Summary of project results

The North Bohemian brown coal basin has long been one of the areas burdened by high levels of air pollution. Our aim was to identify the individual sources that contribute to suspended particulate matter pollution and to propose measures to improve this unfavourable situation. We gave special attention to local mining activities, which were clearly a significant contributor to the increased level of air pollution. 

During the implementation of the project, a large number of individual activities were carried out, including: creating a detailed plan for measurement campaigns; acquisition of measuring equipment and necessary equipment for monitoring air pollution in the vicinity of the quarry; implementation of short-term measurement campaigns in 3 selected locations, analysis and interpretation of the detected data; creation of a report containing the results of measuring the level of air pollution; analysis of available measures and development of an action plans. Thanks to the mentioned activities, groups of significant sources of air pollution were identified, and a plan of measures to reduce the impact on the outside air was prepared and approved for one of the most significant sources.

As part of the project, more detailed information was obtained about the causes of air pollution by suspended particles in the North Bohemian Coal Basin, and at the same time measures were taken that should lead to limiting the influence of air pollution causes. The results are summarized in two expected outputs: in the Report containing the analysis of the detected data on the level of air pollution and in the Action Plan of Severočeské doly a.s. for Bílina Quarry. The residents of the Ústí Region benefit primarily from the outputs, as they increase their chances of improving air quality. 


The importance of the activities is determined by the focus of the project. Air pollution is a factor that significantly affects the health of the population. As a result of the project, the level of air pollution will be reduced, and therefore the health burden of the inhabitants will be reduced. In addition, the target area has long-term deteriorated air quality, so the problem is more pronounced here than in other regions of the Czech Republic. At the same time, the standard regulatory mechanisms are slowly being exhausted, and the project thus created the potential for further improvement of air quality in the problematic area.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.