In Slovakia there are regions where there is no available support, assistance and help for women experiencing gender base violence. These are the regions of Trnava and Trenčín, which we are focusing on with our project. The project will support, empower and help women who are victims of gender based violence and their children, especially victims who are multiply endangered. Victims will get gender specific social and legal counselling and can be referred to other agencies if needed. The project aims to decrease gender based violence in Trnava and Trenčín, through establishing new branches of counselling centres, educating their personnel, supporting their public relation, and further supervise their work in accordance with the CoE standards. The project will cooperate with the city authorities, spread information about the new centres, educate professionals interested in working in the centres, choose from them those who will be employed, and start the work. The target group are women experiencing gender based violence and their children, including people in peril, such as handicapped women, minorities and Roma.
Summary of project results
In Slovakia there are regions where there is no support, assistance and help for women experiencing gender base violence available. These are the regions of Trnava and Trenčín, which we were focusing on with our project, too. That was the reason, why we wanted to support, empower and help women - victims of gender based violence and their children, especially victims who were multiply endangered, in Trnava and Trenčín. They got gender specific and social and legal counselling and could be contacted to other agencies if needed. Using an active outreach and thanks to other organisations (Region VUC and Social Issues Department UPSVaR) we got to people also outside of the capitals of the regions. We have established new branches of counselling centres in the capitals of 2 regions – Trenčín and Trnava, educated their personnel, supported their public relation, and further supervised their work in accordance with the CoE standards. The project cooperated with the city authorities, spreaded information about the new centre using the most modern electronic and other tools, educated professionals interested to work in the centres, choosed from them those who have been employed, and started the work. The work was supervised and evaluated by the guarantee. The branches have gained accreditation according to the law no. 448/2008 BrE. In the new branches we have provided the target group - women experiencing gender based violence and their children - with counselling (gender specific and social and legal, psychological and economic) in total 232 cases from 01/2016 (in 893 hours od counselling (365 hours in Trnava, 528 hours in Trenčín).
Summary of bilateral results