""between cultures between words""

Project facts

Project promoter:
Maloka Intercultural Association(PL)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
Other Project Partners
City Police Headquarters in Żory(PL)
Zory Entrepreneurship Zone(PL)


For many years, Żory has been experiencing economic, cultural, and return migration, which has changed the face of the town. The rapidly developing economic zone and proximity of large urban centres are attracting people from various parts of Poland and around the world to the town. As the number of new inhabitants grows, so do intercultural and language-related tension and misunderstandings, and this is accompanied by fear and aggression. No measures are being taken to enable inhabitants to live in a multicultural community and to combat hate speech and discrimination towards the new inhabitants. The project will also include multicultural training for 240 people: upper secondary school pupils and local community figures such as head teachers, teachers, clerks in local government, local councillors, and police officers. The training will address questions of stereotypes, hate, and measures to prevent and counter hate crimes. The local partners in the project - Stowarzyszenie Żorska Strefa Przedsiębiorczości (Żory Entrepreneurship Zone Association) and Police Headquarters, will take part in organisation and conducting some of the training sessions. The project also envisages organisation of civic cafés, where substantive issues will be debated by members of public institutions, CSOs, and Żory residents, including new inhabitants of foreign origin. The debate is intended to lead to passing of local resolutions addressing Żory''s multicultural issues. The project will put to use the knowledge gained in relations with the surrounding community, and increase awareness of the tendencies and processes that define attitudes towards others and affect mutual relationships.

Summary of project results

For a number of years, Żory has been undergoing change due to economic, cultural, and return migration. Due to a rapidly growing economic zone and proximity of large urban centres, people from various parts of Poland and all over the world come to the city. As the number of new residents grows, so do cultural and language-related tensions and miscomprehension, and this is accompanied by fear and aggression. No measures have been taken to teach residents how to live in a multicultural community, or how to combat hate speech and discrimination towards new residents.

In the project, we created a space for young people, local community leaders, and immigrants to navigate a multicultural community. Twenty multicultural training sessions were held for 297 people: young people at lower-secondary school and local community leaders such as head teachers and teachers, government clerks, educators, people active in culture, and activists. We organised five civic coffee houses, at which the substantive issues were debated by representatives of public institutions, CSOs, and citizens of Żory, including new residents of foreign background. Working with residents, we presented a proposal for a legislative initiative to address Żory’s multiculturalism issues – creating the Intercultural Dialogue Council in the town. More than 300 people signed the proposal for the initiative. We created a website www.beetwencultures.eu, which was translated into Ukrainian and Russian, and the fan page @BetweenCulturesBetweenWords. Through our channels of communication, we announced not only the project measures, but also interesting intercultural events and initiatives.

The Project Partners – Żory Entrepreneurial Zone Association and the Żory Metropolitan Police – participated in all of the project measures, including organising and attending the training and the civic debate coffee houses.Due to the involvement of both local leaders and pupils and immigrants, the project helped to create a community open to dialogue and cooperation in the city. The project website became a platform for information and communication for new residents of the city.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.