Create ""Create Environment Yourself"" Yourself

Project facts

Project promoter:
Create the Environment Yourself(LV)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacity of members and activists of the  "Radi Vidi Pats", thus raising the association''s ability to work, purposefulness, quality and sustainability, improve and supplement existing resources, which will significantly contribute to the association''s financial independence and day-to-day operations.

The achievement of the goal will be ensured by the implementation of 6 activities - capacity building of the board, renewal of the association''s strategy, training of members on activism and financial attraction to their ideas, diversification of financial attraction in the association, promotion of the association''s administrative sustainability, development of the association''s visual image and communication strategy. The activity plan will provide a clearer vision of the association''s goals and vision to members and activists, which in turn will help create a more cohesive internal environment for the association. This will be complemented by training of at least 16 members on activism and financial attraction, which will strengthen the individual attraction of each member to the association. Increasing the capacity of the board will enhance the association''s ability to continue the existing activities in a quality manner and will promote a healthy understanding of the role and significance of the board. Diversification of financial attraction in the society will be one of the first steps towards financial independence and sustainable thinking in the context of the society. Promoting administrative sustainability will make it easier for new members to learn about administrative issues and for existing members to address current administrative shortcomings. The development of a communication strategy and the public and visual image of the association will create interest in the association in the wider public and recognition, and it will be a major step towards attracting funders.

Summary of project results

Latvian society does not have a long tradition of democracy, which is probably why only a small proportion of the population participates in public activities. This is also due to the widespread belief in society that it is impossible to influence decision-making processes anyway. Also, people in Latvia still lack information about opportunities to get involved and participate in decision-making processes at national and local level. There is not only a lack of information, but also a lack of understanding and confidence in their ability to influence these processes. 

*Community urban garden as a subject for civic engagement established;
*Themed conversation evenings and themed "living libraries" events` series;
*Public discussion series with experts;
*Cycling tours series highlighting problem areas in the city;
*Live problem registration receptions and online platform for registering problems in Liepaja;
*Art workshop for promoting public participation;
*Promotion of civic participation in the project promoter` organization - promoting volunteering;
*Establishment of representation in public meetings and commissions of the Liepaja City Council.


Nine different types of activities were regularly and intensively tested to understand what appeals to, engages and attracts people in the long term.

The Community Garden has become a place where people from all groups get involved, serving as a platform for civic participation. 
As a result not only has the number of visitors and active participants in Project Promoter`s activities increased, but also the participation in events of people who were previously unknown to the Project Promoter.
As a result of the project, several people are using the Project Promoter as a platform to implement their ideas, support solidarity causes or get involved in issues. These observations confirm that people''s confidence in their own power to influence various processes in Liepaja has increased, as well as their involvement in civic activities and decision-making processes. 

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.