Counseling Services for Victims of Domestic Violence with Emphasis on Children, Young and Disadvantaged People

Project facts

Project promoter:
Alliance of Women in Slovakia
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 81,569
The project is carried out in:


The project is needed to pass the know-how on fighting violence against women and also against other people who experience violence in close relations (in a family). The objective is to reduce violence in families and to start an ongoing electronic campain to focus the society's attention to the right of all to live a life free of violence. The project shall support and help victims of other than gender based violence with special social and legal counselling. There will be cooperation with umbrella organizations and partially with primary and secondary schools. This should help to use the most effective means to reach endangered people. The target groups are children, handicapped people and elderly people. Because the project's aim "zero tolerance" is meant for the whole society, everyone should benefit of a society free of violence.

Summary of project results

Passing the feminists know how of fighting violence (against women) ALSO for the purpose of fighting violence against other people who experience violence in close relations, in a family. These victims were children, handicapped and elderly people. The principle is similar in a way as those who believe that they are more powerful, misuse the “weaker” people. The objective was to reduce violence in families and to start to inform of ZERO TOLERANCE to focus the society´s attention to the right of everyone - especially people with anoter disability - to life a life free of violence. With this am we have started a cooperation with the Union of blind and partially sighted, the Slovak Association of Pensioners and the Forum for help for elderly. We cooperated with national umbrella organizations such as the Slovak Association of Pensioners and the Union of blind. These have widespread networks and tought us about their hidden problems and needs and to helped us to use the most effective means and ways how to reach the endangered people, using the most modern electronic and other tools to contact them and to help them safely to contact us. In cooperation with these organisations we have released special brochures for the aim groups and set up a specialized consultancy for them. The main result was setting up an specialized consultancy for the aim groups (legal, social, psychological and economical in personal, phone and internet forms). From the beginning of the project we have provided consultancy for 391 victims of domestic violence (according to the definition) in 2971 hours of consultancy.

Summary of bilateral results