Mapping the dubious sale of waterworks from the city into the hands of foreigners, the impact and activation of citizens to remedy. Development of water prices and collection of profits. Who sells water to citizens.

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Nadační fond Pravda o vodě(CZ)
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Without an informed public and evidence of how stupidly and often illegally they acted and probably still do some politicians about the events and state of water supply and water management in the Czech Republic, no remedy can be found in the interests of citizens. That is why we are solving the first step in remediation - documenting how the sale of water in the region got into the hands of concerns and what negative consequences it has for citizens and municipalities. We will use the Act on Free Access to Information and the Act on Municipalities + the Constitution of the Czech Republic - THE RIGHT TO EXPRESS YOURSELF to obtain information. Above all, we want to provide evidence and make it available to citizens, local and later top politicians in the form of data journalism. Subsequently to open to the events and the state around the water public discussion, activate the public - the signing of the petition.
If the required number of signatures can be collected - submit the problem to the legislator for a solution. We want to gradually achieve the amendments to the Constitution of the Czech Republic - GUARANTEE OF THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE TO WATER Citizens, municipalities and the state will benefit. Citizens will only pay for what they really need. Municipalities and the state will have everything around water and its management in their hands

Summary of project results

1) Documenting and publishing the facts about the sale of shares in water plants shows the negative consequences for the price of water and, above all, for the amount of money from citizens, which ends up in the accounts of private companies abroad instead of restoring pipes. Within sec. Moravia is about 7 billion crowns, which the citizens paid in the price of water, ended up abroad, where they did not take any water and the cities have no water infrastructure.

2) It has been proven that the disadvantageous sale of shares and the extension of contracts with concerns are behind individual representatives, especially those who sat in the management of the waterworks themselves.

3) The sale of water plant shares or the approval of operating contracts did not and does not take place in accordance with the laws of the Czech Republic. The very superficial, hypocritical decision-making of the representatives when approving the sale of the water plant''s shares was proven. In Ostrava, in addition, significant min. manipulative behavior on the part of some council members who use corporate manipulation techniques:

- Shielding oneself with authority

- Creating an artificial problem, then designing its solution

- Majority pressure

- To maintain disinterest and ignorance - giving the impression of complexity

4) We brought the events around water to the attention of representatives and citizens. Thanks to this, the representatives first began to suspect that some kind of dirty game was being played, then they began to verify the information, and finally some of them began to defend themselves, and together we activated the citizens and started collecting signatures for a local referendum, where the citizens will tell the politicians who is in the region to have the sale of water in hand

5) Synergy for this is the growth of citizens who understand that this "regional" problem has an overlap, or broader context and it needs to be addressed from above as well - through amending the legislation, which is what the WATER IS LIFE petition demands.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.