The adaptation strategy for climate change for the town Polička

Project facts

Project promoter:
The city of Polička(CZ)
Project Number:
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:


The aim of the project is to create an adaptation strategy for the municipality of Polička, which will take into account all the risk factors of climate change for this municipality. Part of the project is the creation of an action plan with proposals for appropriate measures at the investment and non-investment level.                                                                                                 

Summary of project results

The main objective of the project was to develop a comprehensive Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change Impacts for the city of Polička (hereinafter referred to as Adaptation Strategy). The city was interested in creating a high quality, factual and concrete document that will serve as a basis for the subsequent implementation of the proposed specific measures to mitigate the impact of climate change and for sustainable development activities of the city. Climate change brings a number of impacts and risks that also affect the city of Polička. The city therefore wants to respond to them adequately and conceptually. The state of the landscape around the city, which is not in good condition and thus more vulnerable to climate change, has emerged as a major problem. The landscape has low ecological stability, is prone to drying out, and there is an increased risk of negative effects of flash floods and the resulting erosion of agricultural land. The spruce stands on the town''s property have also been disturbed due to the spread of bark beetle. Another area addressed was stormwater management in the city and adaptation to the gradual increase in temperatures. The adaptation strategy was aimed at identifying specific problems, identifying problem areas and vulnerable populations. Based on the identified problems and risks, it was further intended to design a comprehensive set of adaptation and mitigation measures that address these risks, down to the level of specific projects.The project also aimed to inform the city''s residents about climate change issues and involve them more actively in the preparation of the concept.

Local citizens and stakeholders were also involved in the preparation of the Adaptation Strategy. Individual interviews were held with the largest local farmers, meetings were held with NGOs working in the field of nature conservation, and discussions were also held with representatives of organisations working in the fields of water and forest management and technical services. A joint meeting was also held with representatives of local schools. In these meetings, information was gathered for the preparation of the Adaptation Strategy, while at the same time the participants were informed about the issue of climate change.

Information on the projects funded by the EEA and Norway Grants is provided by the Programme and Fund Operators in the Beneficiary States, who are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of this information.