””SHAPE THE CHANGE”” Youths and FONPC - Dialogue for change

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Given the context of reducing the advocacy capacity of NGOs during 2018 as a consequence of the deteriorating relations with the central state authorities (OSC Sustainability Index, Romania 2018, FDSC), the project aims to increase the coordination between FONPC members in order to actively involve and encourage the participation of young people to dialogue with the public authorities, to monitor and influence the public policies concerning the human/ child rights, by developing monitoring tools for the child rights protection and referral mechanisms by watchdog and advocacy activities and by promoting the Alternative Report on Child Rights Protection and also by creating the FONPC Youth Council that will be involved in the advocacy activities, strategic programming and decision making. This will ensure a more accessible, transparent and participative environment of the decision-making process at the local and central level, both for the young people and the professionals in order to improve public policies and adjust them to the current needs. Given the fact that Romania is dealing with one of the highest risk of poverty and social exclusion of population at European level (35,7% of the population and 40,9 % of the children are at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2017 – EUROSTAT 2019) social services represents a necessity in addressing the needs of the vulnerable population. In this regard, FONPC project intends to strengthen the cooperation capacity between the members and young people of FONPC Youth Council in order to implement an advocacy campaign on enhancing the legal framework on child rights protection by attracting champions (important figures and professionals ) to ensure the sustainability and quality of services, but also to raise awareness of the decision-makers and public authorities

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