The participating municipalities have key positions in their respective regions (they are centres of their regions), disposal of rich potential for cooperation and common development. At present there are very few information sources and channels providing information on the neighbouring regions in Slovakia and Ukraine, information in other languages is missing as well. Objectives - establish a new partnerships, strenghten the exsisting partnerships, to provide the development of information flow by innovative approaches using modern information and communication technologies, and thus, reduce social and economic differences between the two regions on an international level. Achievements – Setting up of free Internet access points for the general public, installation of outdoor interactive touchscreen information kiosks for the visitors, creation of the possibility of free download of multimedia information content via Bluetooth servers , creation of electronic information sources, multimedia guides and film documentaries about the region in 4 language versions, installation of information boards with the maps, creation of print information sources and extending of cooperation of the participating regions. Outputs - to enable access to the information flow by connection to the Internet for all target groups, - to create electronic and print sources providing information on both regions in four language versions (Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian, and English), – to organize and take an active part in the events promoting the regions, to extend the opportunities for cooperation between the participating regions, to foster the mutual relations of partners. Target groups to achieve are young adults, people at risk of poverty and elderly people. Role of partners is mutual communication and the need for intensive cooperation, implementation of activities.
Summary of project results
In the frame of the project people from all target groups were enabled to connect to the internet and search for the information via touch screen infokiosk installed on public place (exterior part of bus station), for people who own notebooks, smartphones, tablets etc. free wifi zones at two places within each town. All of the project products were made in three language versions, including multimedia and audio guides focused on three interesting topics (History, Nature and Culture of the region). Two film documents about both regions, available on DVD or web portals and in tourist agencies (BT servers and LED monitors). Information boards with maps were installed in both towns (five-Michalovce; ten-Uzhgorod). The info-boards have QR codes with connection to newly developed or extended web portals related to the project. QR codes were also printed and distributed among regions. Printed publication containing photographies from both regions Zemplin and Transcarpathian area. There were organized two conferencies, Days of region and participation at international expo in Bratislava and Kiev. Symetrical project brought active cooperation between partner towns and both regions represented by partners involved into the project, relations between partners was strenghten by common planning of activities at number of work meetings. Promotion of both regions through innovative information products initiated increasing interest in neighbour region among public. Information given through the products supported active searching of possibilities in tourism nearby, beyond the border. Thanks to good cooperation between partners all planned activities and products of the project were successfully implemented and brought people from both regions closer to each other. These products - in 3 different languages - are available in Tourist information Centres in both involved towns. Besides originally planned activities there were additionally made so-called Galleries under the sky with photographies from both regions accesable at public place in Michalovce and also in Uzhgorod, where printed albums were shared among people as well. Conferencies organized in Beneficiary´s competence provided an opportunity to meet representatives of partners, experts from Norway, suppliers and people interested in the project. New possibilities of cooperation were discussed there.
Summary of bilateral results
Related to partnership between Beneficiary (Town Michalovce), its partners from Slovakia and Ukraine and experts from UiT The Arctic University of Norway, there was wide space created for discussions, exchange of experience of cross-border cooperation (particularly in terms of cooperation of countries close to Schengen border) as well as ideas shared within this topic for future projects. Information about neighbour regions Zemplin and Transcarpathian region was increased and widespread also thanks to language versions of project products, especially on web portals. Bilateral partnership contributed to the project in various forms, predominantly interms of innovation and shared experience related to cooperation between Norway - Russia, and Slovakia - Ukraine, which brought new ideas for mutual activities, possibilities to enforce local changes, and best practice gained from already implemented projects on both sides.