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The project aims to tackle the problem of poverty and reduced access to social services of the vulnerable groups in at least 46 Romanian municipalities (43 rural settlements and 3 small towns) from Bihor and Timis counties, by developing and implementing innovative services in the field of social assistance, health (including telemedicine), education and housing.
The main target groups consist of at least 1,300 vulnerable persons, including Roma, who will receive personalized integrated social services such as support in solving housing related issues and identity documents, healthcare services (identification and prevention of communicable and high-mortality chronic diseases, diagnostics and treatment etc.) and education services (school after school and remedial education, parental education etc.) The project will also provide services for victims of domestic abuse and/ or gender-based violence.
The secondary target groups consist of 50 professionals working with vulnerable groups (who will be involved in training and exchange of best practices program) and 50 family members and/ or supporters of people in the main target group.
The planned measures and target groups are part of the local development strategies and are meant to significantly improve the situation of the disadvantaged communities in the medium- and long-term, by ensuring increased access to quality social services, promoting the principles of non-discrimination and desegregation, public-private partnership and civic participation.