Nature conservation as opportunity for regional development

Project facts

Project promoter:
State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic (SOP SR
Project Number:
Target groups
People at risk of poverty,
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 450,139
The project is carried out in:


The project is aimed at development of alternative regional development in the less favoured regions with protected areas (especially of international importance), promotion of protected areas as opportunity and not as a barrier of the development, based on experience and good examples from Ukraine and Norway, or other countries, with focus on transboundary areas. After consultations with stakeholders and project partners three project aims were defined: 1. Support the opportunities and conditions for alternative regional development based on natural and cultural values and (soft) tourism in protected areas in Slovakia and Ukraine. 2. Strengthen capacity of stakeholders and institutions for development of eco-tourism and environmental education in protected areas in both countries and networks on different levels. 3. Contribute to the protection and management of natural and cultural values of the region and sustainable use of natural resources in line with international obligations and national priorities. The strategy, action plan (based on inventory and analysis of current state made in cooperation with Ukrainian partners and University in Telemark) and different tools (brochures, leaflets, web pages) and networking of different stakeholders will be developed for support of soft tourism respecting conservation of values and using of opportunities in well preserved areas. Construction or maintenance of small infrustructure and facilities (visitor centres, educational trails, boards, minor architecture) will support services for tourists. Strengthened capacity of nature conservation professionals, volunteers and supporters will help in development of sustainable tourism and environmental education.

Summary of project results

The project was needed in terms of support for the cross-border region, where in the territory of SK and UA there is a common area wealth in the form of the Carpathian beech forests location UNESCO and National Park Poloniny is the holder of the Council of Europe Diploma. In this area is few working opportunities, undeveloped softturizmus and non-cooperative structures. The project was oriented to promote cross-border cooperation and to support of local communities needed to protect nature and to use soft tourism in the area. The main objective they of the project was fulfilled, they were some parnerships and cooperative structures with ukrainian and donor partners which will continue to assist in the supported of the protected area through and common exchange of experience and knowledge. The project has brought together state and non-state subjects from Slovakia, Norway and Ukraine to promote the sustainable development of soft-tourism in protected areas. Partnerships have been established between state and non-state organizations, non-profit organizations and municipalities. Stakeholders began to change their view of protected areas. They began to perceive them as the source of other possibilities.

Summary of bilateral results

Partnerships have been beneficial to all stakeholders. Slovak and Ukrainian partners have benefited from networks of Norwegian partners and and Norwegian partners will benefit from Slovak and Ukrainian partnerships. We succeeded in concluding agreements on further in cooperationbilateral cooperation with Norwegian partners. On the basis of these agreements, we are preparing joint projects, activities and we have an exchange of experience and knowledge. Norwegian partners have shared their experiences of cross-border cooperation with Finland and Russia. They brought their know-how from the development of softtourism in Norway. Examples and instructions for involving local communities in nature conservation management. We jointly organized various workshops with practical examples for stakeholders, academic organizations, state and non-governmental organizations.