Innovative Methods of Education to Promote Partnerships - "InovEduc"

Project facts

Project promoter:
Paneuropean University
Project Number:
Target groups
Associations and representatives of associations involved in higher education, including relevant student, university, and teacher/trainer associations,
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 465,678
The project is carried out in:


The goal of the project is to contribute through Bilateral Communication Platform (BCP) to building partnerships between Slovak and Ukrainian partners at the academic level that will develop methods of display and presentation of 3D data in experimental development. Partnerships between educational institutions at lower levels (secondary school, and methodological centres) will be targeted through the BCP at the exchange of experience in the complex teaching of selected subjects using common characteristics of regions while applying new technologies (virtual and augmented reality). This project aims to link humanities with technical (informatics) knowledge and to motivate pupils and students to look for broader context for learning, and contributed to the increased interest in the use of the latest trends ICT in a playful way. The project aims also to introduce modern innovative methods of teaching of students and teachers in primary and secondary schools as well as at universities which will present the cultural heritage and natural peculiarities of the Eastern Slovakia and the Transcarpathian region with the use of interactive virtual and augmented reality. Implemented applications with a presentation of 20 objects (10 on the SK, 10 on the UK) of 3D models of important cultural and natural objects using the methods of virtual reality (an online and off-line application) and augmented reality (an application for mobile devices with an issued booklet with information about each object in both languages) will be the result of the project. In addition to these 3D models, it will be possible to view their current status, or even historical development (for example, look to the past), or simulate natural beauty at different times of the year. Such processed models will be presented on the Internet.

Summary of project results

There was a strong need for strenghtening the level of information about the common Slovak-Ukrainian history, culture and values on both sides of the border, especially among the younger generation. Before 1945, this region was for a long time part of the same country. At the same time, the idea of the project was to improve the edcuational procces in subjects like history, geography, regional education, religion and others. As of these reasons, we tried to find the best available solutions, technology and methodology and how to bring this information to our students so we made a short survey among them. From the answers, we could see that they want to use modern technologies like smartphones and tablets. There was (and still is) a lack of quality education applications in Slovakia, especially for mobile devices. Another purpose of the project was to promote the cultural and natural heritage of the border region in order to support local tourism on both sides of the border. There are couple of ways how to do that, e.g. by through webpages, video channels ot photos. However, we wanted to make something different, innovative and extraordinary. Therefore, we used the state-of-the-art technology of virtual and augmented reality. We believe that this technology will become the leading technology in sharing the virtual content in the next few years. To summarise all the results of the project: - in cooperation with 30 teachers from Slovakia and Ukraine, educational and methodological sheets for teachers in primary and secondary schools in slovak, ukrainian and in english were elaborated. - the five seminars focused on common regional history, civics, traditional culture, religion, cross-border living and creating 3D model content were organised. - web-based, PC as well as mobile applications (iOS and Android) for presententing and delivering 3D content of the 24 important historical, technical, natural and cultural heritage objects from both side of the borders were created - the scientific impact was discussed and presented during two conferences held in Košice and Michalovce We are proud to say that our first tests run at schools are very promising. After using these teaching methods, many of the students immediately wanted to visit Ukraine and vice-versa. Even among the local experts on tourism, there was a strong interest in our applications. All the results of the projects are freely accessible at

Summary of bilateral results

The Norwegian partner IMSA Knowledge Company contributed to the project by their knowledge of education system of the Norwegiann high schools and universities, which was important for producing methodological materials and applications that can be used also in Norway. Proffesor Stein Bie from IMSA Knowledge Company contributed to the both scientific conferences in Košice and in Michalovce and bring to the project new visions from outside of the border regions. He also contributed to the public presentation of the project in Michalovce. Thanks to the help of the Norwegian partner we were able to present the project outcomes to the other companies in Norway IKT-senteret Oslo a Anno Musea i Nord-Østerdalen, Tynset, which are working on very similar activities and thus establish new contacts. Thanks to the bilateral partnership with the Norwegian partner we were able to use their innovative perspective for improving our implemented applications for presentation of the 3D content. We were also be able to make our outcomes more visible in Norway by organising their presentation for the norweigian companies Norway IKT-senteret Oslo a Anno Musea i Nord-Østerdalen, Tynset.